Internet abbreviations

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You'll notice that in the abscence of a decent education, people tend to abbreviate things insyead on showing their inability to spell. Only kidding (slightly). Here is a list of your conventional abbreviations, hopefully soon to be followed by ones used on NIMHmuck (if I can find the bloody things).

Tu mere viol chien ;-)

afk - away from keyboard
brb - be right back
btw - by the way (very common)
cya - duh, bit obvious!
eg - evil grin (more of a multiplayer Quake one)
ffs - for f***s sake!
gg - good game (used by online Quake narks while the next game loads)
gl - good luck (more likely used in Quake)
irl - in real life
j/k - just kidding
k - okay (what's wrong with plain 'ok' though?)
lol - laughs out loud (very common)
natch - naturally
ne1 - anyone?
np - no problem
oic - oh I see
omg - oh my gosh
prolly - probably
rofl - rolls on floor laughing
rsn - real soon now
stfu - shut the f**k up (my favourite 8-))
thx - thanks
wtf - what the f**k?
wtg - way to go!

Ang here will be the NIMHmuck ones, after I've completed my (v unsuccesful) internet leave.

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