
3 Conversations

Digitiser is the single most interesting thing in the Universe. It far surpasses the simple thrills involved with watching the end of the Universe at 'The Restaurant at the End of the Universe'TM. It also beats the experience of surfing the flames of a sun hands down and there is much less risk of you dying. Digitiser is not a one billion pound prostitute or a night out with Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Sarah Michelle-Gellar…mmmmm). Digitiser is merely a teletext based computer games magazine but after looking at much of teletext and ceefax I can safely say that of the 1000 or so different pages, the seven pages that make up Digitiser are without doubt the best. The humour is satisfyingly mental, the reviews are honest, unbiased and funny, the letters page is fantastic with all who write in being punished by some great wit. The tips and cheats page is the best I have ever seen in any magazine and they also run a regular 'Encyclogame' section that is very similar to the good book The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy in that it is informative yet strangely irrelevant and pointless. Brilliant.
However the really good thing about Digitiser is the characters that are created for each section, although this was not always the case. I started reading 'Digi', as the magazine is known to its regular readers, about two years ago. They had a few good characters who are still with us today like 'Fat Sow the opinionated pig' and 'Gossi the dog' who were and are fantastic. However they did not have any other good characters who really made my life pleasurable and even Digi's flagship character 'The Man' was a bit rubbish at the time to put it bluntly. Then just as I started to lose interest in Digi, along came the Snakes. The Snakes are the most loved characters in the history of Digi and their lovedupness (that'll get the spell check fuming) is not undeserved. The Snakes are two teenage snakes who meet up on your very screens to discuss anything and everything. The situations are fantastic but it is the snakes' now legendary catchphrase "I cuss you bad" that gets the readers begging for more.
Since the Snakes, great characters have come thick and fast on Digi such as 'Insincere Dave', 'Zombie Dave', 'The Beatles', 'The Alien Beatles', 'The Drunk Beatles', 'The French Beatles' and their brand new character 'The Good Samaritan'. Even 'The Man' has got his act together and is now an enjoyable read. In fact the wealth of characters that Digi have means that 'The Snakes' only need appear once in a while to keep the fans happy.
Digi now has a regular weekly readership of 1.5 million people, which is far more than any paper based magazine can hope to get. This huge figure is hardly surprising as Digi is a wonderfully written magazine that is updated daily so it gets all the news way before any of the printed magazines do. Its popularity is such that even though it is daily it can still expect to receive enough mail to fill the letters page every single day. Digi is great and I encourage everybody who reads this article to start reading Digi because those guys deserve every bit of success that they get. You will find Digi on pages 670 - 676 on Channel 4 teletext...and...its...absolutely...free.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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