The Seti@home Project

10 Conversations

How to join the H2G2 Researchers group

Checking and changing your account at the SETI@home web-site is easy enough, and you won't loose any credit you already earned. Just enter the email-address and password for your SETI@home account in the form just below this paragraph, and press the button to get to the "edit account" page. There you can edit your registered NAME and your URL (simply "" without "http://", where xxxxx must be replaced with your researcher number), to make yourself easier to identify.
Email address

of your SETI@home account:
Your SETI@home password:
If you don't know your password, click here.
When/if you're satisfied that you'll be easy to identify, you will want to actually JOIN, right? You can do that directly from here using the following form:
Email address

of your SETI@home account:
Your SETI@home password:
If you don't know your password, click here.
Please note: sometimes, shortly after changing your personal info at the SETI@home web site, the GROUP-info may still show the OLD information. Don't worry about that. It will be corrected when the server refreshes it's database once a day. Then hopefully I will have the info that I need to add you.

Linking to The SETI@home Project

For linking from your own H2G2-page to these SETI-pages, you might use the content of the following text-box:
From the famous Arecibo Observatory, which houses the world's largest single dish radio telescope, scientists are listening out for transmissions from space. Participate in this project for the search for extraterristrial life with other h2g2 Researchers on <LINK H2G2="A193231">The SETI@home Project</LINK>. If you do take part, there is a small but captivating possibility that your computer will be the one to first detect a message transmitted from an alien civilization. Wow.
If you wish to use your own words, please feel free to do so, or alternatively choose one of the SETI@home H2G2 Images1, but whatever you do, please remember not to link to THIS page, but to page A193231, and please keep the title intact: "The SETI@home Project" One final note: for the Text-link as described above, your page needs to be made up in GuideML or (if you edit the link) HTML. For the pictures you need either HTML or GuideML.

Users currently in the H2G2 Reseachers group

Currently, 43 persons have joined the SETI@home h2g2 Researchers group2: 38 of them -ordered by Researcher number- are known (a name between brackets is the name used with SETI@home, if it is different from the name used here)

If you're not on the list (yet)

  • If you want to be listed on this page write a short message to me in the forum below, and I'll fix it.
The current unknowns are (in alphabetical order):
  • Gert V. Jensen
  • I didn't want to join this group :(
  • Lorenz Hahn
  • notomat
  • Thomas vR

Some interesting links/tools

  • h2g2 Researchers shows the current statistics for the "h2g2 Researchers group", and allows you to join the group if you're already running the SETI@home program.
  • SETI@Home Statistics shows you the current overall SETI@home statistics.
  • If you're not yet running the SETI@home program, The SETI@home project is the place to go for info on: what SETI@home is all about and how to participate in it.
  • Festival's statistics shows you how I'm currently doing.
  • If you'd like to see your own statistics, you can type your email-address in the box below, and then click the button.
Email address

of your SETI@home account:
1created by Bruce2Founded by Researcher 53909, aka. Simon Owen.

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