Z - Must Have Bandwidth!

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Must Have Bandwidth!

by Zach Garland
November 25th, 1999

Well! I just glanced over what I wrote back on the 21st, and that was pretty morbid. Let's see if I can be just a little lighter in content in the weeks to come. Don't wanna scare you guys off.

Happy Thanksgiving! Yeah yeah, I'm working Thanksgiving, that's what I'm thankful for. I can already feel the Bah Humbugs burbling up to the surface and it's not even December yet. =)

If you haven't heard by now, I'm no longer a Sub-Editor for h2g2.com. I wasn't going to mention it in here at all because I figured it best to keep a low profile about it, but before any rumors get spread. I wasn't kicked out. I asked to be relieved of that duty and I have been granted an Open Door Policy if ever I change my mind.

Why'd I leave? Well, to be honest it was a fantastic experience editing all those entries you all sent to h2g2.com. I was proud and honored to be one of the ones to help instigate the whole Sub-Editor thing and get it happening. It was great. However, even though I have the tools and the know-how to be an above satisfactory editor, it's simply not my thang y'know? I'm a writer. I write. Editing other people's stuff, well, it's just not me.

There's a lot of guide entries and other things I can do in h2g2.com, and I'm hoping that not having the Sub-Editor position will allow me in the months to come to be just a common ordinary Field Researcher just like most of you. To be honest? I know I've heard some of you talk about how neat it would be to be an Editor. And it was fun. But to be perfectly honest, the best position to have in h2g2.com is to be a Field Researcher.

Believe me. You guys got it good. Which is why I came back.

So what am I working on? Well, one of the many pieces I edited while an acting Sub-Editor was about mp3.com which is another website on the 'Net that those of you with cable modems and ISDN lines can fully appreciate. As for me? I NEED MORE BANDWIDTH! So I've hunkered down and ordered an ADSL line from my local phone company. Lordy, I can remember the days when 2400 baud was the s**t! but those days are long behind us. I used to just snort the Web. Then I was freebasing it. Soon, I'll have it surgically implanted in my brainstem! I'll be downloading videotapes of women's butts while I sleep, just as soon as technology's wayward path of despondency reaches it's inevitable conclusion, provided YearTwoKay doesn't get us first.

I'm hoping to revisit the mp3.com page and I've also done an updated search and found that Jules and I are not alone in wishing to discuss it. I think MP3s are pretty cool, and I've come across a whole buttload of powerful talent over there. It takes some work. It's not all phat, I guarantee you. Still, I've trudged through the muck for you and found some gems. While you wait on pins and needles for me to compose my update on the topic, there's a station which I have made specifically for my h2g2.com buddies.

Okay. I actually did it cuz I was experimenting with mp3.com's many features. By the way, my plans are NOT to replace Jules work on the guide entry about mp3.com. I'm just hoping to expand the idea a little bit, and as always I welcome any input.

You can go over to mp3.com and download or just listen online to some of the best mp3.com has to offer. And if you're on a T-1 line you can have the music playing in the background while you come back over here and continue clicking in h2g2.com. See how this is gonna work? I think it's gonna be cool.

That's just one thing I'm working on now. I also hope to expand the idea over here by making guide entries specifically for artists that I think will be playing in radio stations across the world, just as soon as the music industry stops being so fearful of how mp3s are changing the scope of how we learn about new music.

And there's a long list I have somewhere of other topics I've been chomping at the bit to write up but never found time while I was Subbing. I'm also hoping to find time in the future to do what I can to further encourage the whole community aspect of h2g2.com. Like oh I don't know actually participating in the forums more and stuff. So you ain't seen the last of me.

Once I get that ADSL line installed I'll be all over this place like grease on a pig. Just you watch. =)

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