1 Conversation


Open your mind and say, 'AWW'!

Happy 100th issue from everyone at AGG/GAG/CAC, the Alternative Guide to the Galaxy/Galactic Anomalies Group/Committee for Alien Content.

AGG/GAG has only been here for a couple of months, but we already realize what hard work it is just putting our bit together these past few weeks. We can't begin to imagine putting the entire Post together for 100 issues. Our hats are off to the h2g2POSTteam.

Even more importantly we salute the True Spirit of a Free Press maintained by The Post.

None appreciate it more than we.

This week

Congratulations to THE POST on reaching such a milestone. It speaks highly of the effort and dedication of those involved, that you have continued to provide a non-authoritarian voice for the community, for 100 issues.

We may be johnny-come-latelies to the h2g2Post and some may say we're crashing this party, but we sure are enjoying being Postnewbies so far!

And we'd like to offer some special party favours this week, all about the State of the Online Arts.

Furniture Whores and Debit Card Toilets by =X Subcom.Deidzoeb

A look at three different places to chat that go a little further than plain text: The good, the bad, and the ugly (not necessarily in that order). The inner ugliness of human slime is revealed in all its glory... and look - it talks about furniture whores - how can you resist?

Recommended by Lucinda et al

Search Engine Poetry by Lucinda

If you're old-fashioned, you might try looking up the keyword 'poetry' on a search engine. But if you're looking for poetry that's so good the poet didn't even know it, you can apply your critical eye to the results of any search on any search engine, and find magnificent accidental poetry. 'Such poetry occurs naturally wherever a website creator places high rankings in a search engine above such petty constraints as grammar and clarity.'

The examples Lucinda found are priceless.
Recommended by =X Subcom.Deidzoeb

We'll continue scouting the Guide for the good stuff and bring you more AGG/GAG approved entries in each issue of the h2g2POST.

Your submissions and recommendations are essential to our survival. If you know of an article that deserves more publicity but doesn't meet the Edited Guide Rules and Regs, please let us know. We don't endorse breaking the laws of plagiarism, defamation or obscenity so, really, the only criteria are Wit and Wisdom. Feel free to submit your own. Just post a link on our homepage: AGG/GAG
Another Guide to the Galaxy / Galactic Anomaly Group


Original Homepage

Charter Members:

~jwf~ Citizen Kine
tonsil revenge 2nd Assistant Dogsbody
=X Subcom Deidzoeb Bottom-Feeder, Weeble Scout, GuideML Helper
Spaceman Spiff Merry Prankster
Martin Crusty Archivist

Support Staff/Contributing Scouts


31.01.02. Front Page

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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