September : Try to Remember

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September: Try to Remember

Try to remember the kind of September

When you were a tender and callow fellow…

September is often a month of changes: the change of seasons in temperate climates north and south, the change of venue as students go back to school, the change of routine for many and the gathering-in of harvests for farmers in the northern hemisphere….

As El Gallo sings in The Fantasticks, September is a memorable month for a lot of people: all those changes leave their mark and build rooms in our memory palaces. This month, we're asking you to open some of the doors in your own memory palace, and give us a guided tour. What would you like to share?

Is your September memorable because you:

  • Changed jobs or schools?
  • Embarked on a memorable journey?
  • Met someone significant to you?
  • Made a life-changing decision?
  • Experienced something new?

Tell us about it. With pictures, if you have any. If you don't, your word pictures will do. Tell us what happened, and why it was important. Let us share in your experience as much as you desire (or dare).

Does your September memory put you in mind of something we need to know about that isn't in the Edited Guide yet? Did you see a monument, visit a country, meet a notable figure, read a book, or just encounter a situation we should learn more about? Do a bit of research, researchers, and put it in the Guide! It's Life. It's the Universe. And you know we're fascinated by Everything.

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