Create July: Dinner with Superman

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July's Create Challenge revealed the startling social lives of many h2g2ers.

Dinner with Superman

Silhouette of a superhero flying across a city skyline.

I worked in theatre for a few years so met a few "stars". However, my favourite was the night I had dinner with Superman.

It was at a grand dinner after the opening of Into The Woods at the Phoenix in London. Shortly after the final curtain, the actors gathered on the red carpet to be swept away by a fleet of limos. Stage management and crew were expected to make their own way to the venue for the after show party but the Crew Chief had paid for limos to take us too – probably a month's wages right there! So we arrived at this
fancy ballroom to be greeted by a rather bemused paparazzi who nevertheless snapped away at us in case we were sort of famous – we of course played up to this. Once inside, glamorous hostesses ensured your champagne glass never emptied and we were treated to a buffet of stuffed quails and other exotic stuff I've never heard of.

I found myself at a table with Nicholas Parsons who was accompanied by a beautiful girl who fed him radishes all night, like an Egyptian Pharaoh being fed grapes. One of the older actresses in the show was sat
beside me, loudly confiding that rich food gave her the runs along with anecdotes about London gangsters.

Most interesting for me though was I was sat directly opposite Christopher Reeve – Superman! I have to admit to being a bit star struck and all I can really remember is he was teetotal and incredibly tall. We did chat but I had imbibed quite a lot of the neverending champagne by that time so he was probably just being polite to the burbling, gurgling Scotsman. However, the fact remains, I have had dinner with Superman!

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