The planet called home.

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I am from the planet "Home" as we call it, you seem to name it Upsandc. The planet circles Shiny, our sun.

First go straight to the Andromeda spiral then take a left turn of 10 deg and you can not miss it.

It has a dry climate with lots of sandy dunes. The main population is living on the poles.
As a day lasts for about one hour, most people live so close near the poles that they have sunlight for half the year, the dark half of the year they live undergound. As do the original inhabitants, the diggers they live in tunnel systems near the equator.

The main reason for living on this planet is tourism as the Vogons placed a fueling station on Pump (Earhty name Upsandd). This is just on an exit of some hyperspace bypasses. The Vogons like the atmosphere and come specially for the sand. Vogon children are trained to build using this sand, it stays firm even when dried.
Oh and don't forget the masterpiece they have build here, three glass walls seperate the whole atmospere into three compartiments.
On the east side of each compartiment is a shallow sea. Due to the instability of the orbit the water flows from North to South and back in about 12 hours.

My mother has a restaurant in Instur the city on the North pole. The main space port of the city is centered around that pole. Then you got the big hotels and boulevards and further down South, towards the sand are the townships of the local inhabitants. I live on the very edge, the house lies West of the flood dam and still on an artificial fertile stretch of land.

We fled Galifrey as I was a baby, only later I heard this, and possibly that some other relatives are scattered around this galaxy.
I met my older sister as she is pilot on a freighter. And now I found some traces of an uncle.

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