The Life and Times of Adolf Hitler

2 Conversations

  • Project Name:The Life and Times of Adolf Hitler
  • Field Researcher:benjaminpmoore
  • Faculty: History
  • Start Date: Thirteenth / April / 2006
  • End Date (Provisional): God knows
  • Assisting Sub-editor:>

Project Description

An overview of the life of Adolf Hitler in, probably, five chronological stages, detailing life events and placing them in context of their presumed relevance while being careful to leave the reader free to draw their own conclusions. This would be augmented by, in all probability, one additional entry dealing with contraversies and debates surrounding Hitler (the extent of his involvement in the holocaust, his death etc...) although medical details may expand this to two entries.

The following is a preliminary list of entries, and those that have been 'claimed':
- The rise of Hitler- his first 30 years Now EG Workshop
- From Backroom to Beerhall- Hitler's Munich Years Now EG Workshop
- The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler from 1924-1933 Now in progress
- The Road to War 1933-1939 Again, this is anyone's
- The War Years 1939-1945 Ditto
- Hitler and the Occult MJ wants this one, it is now in progress, see below
- The Hitler Contraversies This is available, I suspect it will be a collberative effort, I plan it to discuss the various debates around Hitler, his death, his illness, his sexuality...

This list is far from set in stone, anyone who wished to volunteer and entry, suggest and change, just shout.

Pages currently in progress:

The Rise of Adolf Hitler- His First 30 years

Hitler and the OccultFrom Backroom to Beerhall- Hitler's Munich YearsHitler's Health The Wilderness Years of Adolf Hitler

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