Magicians Guild: Hell

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Hell. The realm of demons and devils, where the archdevil Asmodeus rules and schemes to bring as many souls as he can for torture. The place where black gods vie with beings composed of pure insanity over which unimaginably horrible fate the Universes should suffer. Mortals were never meant to view Hell; even the mightiest of necromancers will have a very tough time in here, and angels fear to tread past the very edge.

Hell is divided into nine circles, concentric, and as one appraoches the centre, the damned become worse and the punsihments more severe. Beyond the third circle, one's mind cannot survive unchanged. Past the fifth, and you can say farewell to every shred of sanity.

  • Limbo - The First Circle: A place of darkness, inhabited by ghosts, spirits, and some lesser angels and demons. This is where souls wait to be judged. Known to most as the Realm of the Dead
  • Hades - The Second Circle: This circle is for the lustful, the seducers, those who use others exclusively for their personal pleasure, and manipulate the pleasure of others for personal gain. The only things one may perceive here are the sounds of screaming and the roar of enormous winds.
  • Abbadon - The Third Circle: A step down from Hades, this is where the gluttons are to be punished, those who only consumed until they died, while never giving anything back. They lie in filthy water full of excrement, bile, and rubbish they rejected which they could have used.
  • Anavrin - The Fourth Circle: Here you will find the greedy, the wasters, the misers and the hoarders, who stockpiled all their great wealth and walked past those who could have used it. Their punishment is to roll impossibly heavy weights back and forth for eternity.
  • Styx - The Fifth Circle: A great circular river of lava and brimstone encompasses this entire circle. This is where the cruel, vindictive, and wrathful are punished, by never being allowed to change their moods. They must eternally punish each other and lash out, only to be beaten by those whome they attack. This serves only to make them angrier, and so their punishment eternally increases logarithmically.
  • Dis - The Sixth Circle: A great and terrible city, surrounded by iron walls, whose moat is the fifth circle. Here are punished those who misled others in the name of an idea. The worst torment here is reserved for those who use religion to cause hatred, suffering, and death. Souls here are mainly the victims of sadistic demons.
  • Phlegethon - The Seventh Circle: A second river within Dis, thise one with blood in place of water. Assassins, tyrants, terrorists, and destroyers lie here, eternally drowning in blood, with no thought but lamentation for their actions. If any try to escape, they will be shot by centaurs, or eaten by minotaurs. Around Phlegethon, impossibly vast fires burn eternally.
  • Malebolge - The Eighth Circle: Malebolge is shaped like an arena, made of stone and coloured like iron. If a mortal comes here, he will only be able to catch brief glimpses of the enormous suffering, unless he shifts to an astral form; this is not recommended, for no matter how insane the wizard already is, the suffering here will make it worse. Hypocrites struggle in clothes of lead, deceivers and black magicians wallow in faeces, nepotists are trapped helplessly in small cracks full of heat from which they cannot escape, and everyone is afflicted with leprosy. Horned demons randomly whip the denizens of this level. Even the mightiest of the warrior angels can barely comprehend the suffering that mortals here endure.
  • Cocytus - The Ninth Circle: Here, in a great circle of ice, resides Asmodeus, king of the demons. His black wings beat eternally, freezing this innermost circle and keeping trapped the traitors. The worst spot in Hell is reserved for those who betray.

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