Towel Day 2005 - Log

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The following events took place around Edinburgh City Centre on Saturday 7 May 2005:

12.25:EV and fords (swigging cough syrup straight from the bottle) first to arrive at the Standing Order.
13.25:Bored of each other's company, they start to play the What Time Will DD and FC Turn Up? game.
13.35:Crazyhorse arrives.
13.40:My Favourite Prescription Drugs.
13.50:Jamie arrives.
14.09:EV sets off to the airport to pick up Mina, the token foreigner.
14.16:That old lady over there has two straws in her wine bottle!
14.36:Spiking fruit for children with vodka. Jamie: 'What a waste!'
14.57:Everyone buggers off and leaves fords on her own smiley - brave
15.42:Coming back from the bar, fords is consoled by Mina, EV, Crazyhorse and Jamie.
15.53:DD and FC turn up! fords wins. Mina said she voted on 5 past 4 but it wasn't put in the log smiley - tongueout
16.12:Mina wants more shagging.
16.15:Politics breaks out. Yes indeed!
17.05:Mina: 'Everyone sounds Scottish up here!'
17.00:I know! Let's go and see the Hitchhiker film!
19.20:The researchers have seen it. It's rubbish.
19.21:Resistance is futile!
19.39:The intrepid researchers find a table beside two vehy, vehy drunk old men.
19.42:Mina takes a video of Waldorf and Statler.
19.45:DD has met Lord Sutch.

fords: 'What was he like?'

DD: 'Oh, about so tall...'
20.04:The little bit of politics has turned into quite a bit of politics.
20.10:Jimmy Saville, Vyvyan from the Young Ones and a Smurf walk into the pub. Attempt to find a punchline begins.
20.11:DD tells the worst joke ever. Again.
20.15:Doesn't Waldorf realise Statler is at the bar and isn't sitting in front of him answering his questions?
20.16:Mort arrives.
20.21:Mort kisses cats.
20.40:DD still talking politics.
20.55:Mort and fords discuss annoying lesbian neighbours. DD and FC have a fight - of course, politics is at the bottom of it!
20.58:Conversation takes an unexpectd early '90s turn.
21.00:Statler finally buggers off. Waldorf still sitting at other end of the table trying to pretend we're not here.
21.03:Waldorf eventually leaves table but strange eggy smell remains. Ew!
21.07:The UK's top fat Mark Moxon tribute act enters the pub.
21.15:Snatch of conversation overheard: 'They do poos you can play football with.'
21.25:Politics breaks out again. Discussion of one-eyed PMs ensues.
21.30:Why is everything on Living TV about dead people?
21.35:Superman walks in.
21.35:Mina decides Scotland is full of weirdos.
21.35:Mina needs more smiley - s.
21.36:DD speaking Irish with a Scottish accent. Mina is confused.
21.41:DD and Mina both go to the toilet.
21.45:DD seen squeezing past Superman.
21.46:Mort declines EV's offer of a hug as she is too hot.
21.50:fords thinks EV's nose smells funny.
21.52:Martin Bell lookalike thinks we're a theatre company. Mina tells him she thought he was Martin Bell.
22.00:Mina, FC and Mort discuss bras and boob sizes and nipple piercing.
22.01:Mort doesn't mind where she gets pierced.
22.15:The girls put h2g2 to rights. So does DD.
22.25:Mort's got a Message in a Toilet.
22.50:EV, DD and Jamie lose interest in the conversation and start talking about spoons.
22.55:Mina: 'I eat pigs and I don't care.'
23.00:'Sooner or later it all comes back to poo.'
23.03:DD found to be singing the hits of Chas 'n' Dave.
23.05:DD and FC leave to go to the cash machine - they say they'll be back... The What Time Will DD and FC Come Back? game starts.
23.20:DD and FC come back. Mort wins - 'Wow! I won!'
23.34:Talk turns to tummies and fords, FC and Mort tell Mina to shut up when she complains about her body.
23.41:DD and FC head off for some intimate ?**?!
23.42:Mort finally gives EV a hug. He squezes her boob, which is not a good idea since she has PMT.
23.55:Mort: 'If we feel like it, we'll have a shag.'
00.10:More porn! EV and Jamie feel inadequate while listening avidly.
00.20:The bar finally devoid of alcoholic beverages, the troops head home.


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