Swindon's Post-Grunge Alternative Rock Band

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Why Call Yourself 707?

"It's all to do with the original guitarist (who is no longer in the band), waking up at 7 minutes past 7 in the morning frequently and believing that strange things happened at 7 minutes past 7 on the 7th July".Matt Loveridge

The Band Members

Jay Lutwyche vocals

Andy Crawley Guitar

Julian Carver Guitar

Matt Loveridge Drums

Shaun Lyon Bass

How It Began


It all started in September 1997 when Jay joined 707 as a vocalist along side Steve and Julian who were already members of the band with tons of ideas and Jay added lyrics to their music.


They spent the next year working solidly on their music creating new songs such as 'Should Have Listened' and 'Happy Song' as well as working on the old ones 'Hole', 'Motor War' and Riff Raff'. They also thought it was about time they gave the drum machine a rest and advertised for a drummer.


Steve decided he wanted to take a back seat from songwriting, and playing, although still be involved behind the scenes, at least while his replacement Andy got up to speed. Steve set about teaching Andy the guitar parts.

They also met Matt who seemed to have the potential to be their drummer. And then it finally happened - they got their first gig at The Vic and it went pretty well. They were asked us back, which seemed like a good sign.


Matt officially joined the band as the new drummer. The gig at the Fleece in February was to be the last as a three piece. Later Shaun officially became the new bass player. The line up was finally complete.

They won their heat of a local Battle of the Bands, then came a close cond in the final. The band took on Dan as their manager.


They have a month without gigs now, while Shaun suns himself in Hawaii. A couple more new songs are in the pipeline and they are preparing to seriously go for Bristol.


707 play mostly "post grunge alternative rock" but have been known to sneak in a few covers for example, Blur's Song 2 and Spice Girls Wannabe.


They just passing through They don't care about me They don't care about you ....whatever Saw a pretty pretty girl In the park Bet she looked much better .... after dark Nothing on her mind She got no care in the world Probably nothing inside .... whatever Got down on my knees With my clever lines She just looked at me ....whatever They just passing through They don't care about me They don't care about you ....whatever Nothing on her mind She got no care in the world Probably nothing inside .... whatever

Visit the 707 Web Page for more about the band.

A starry electric guitar

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