AGG/GAG - 14

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This week:
As promised, we present the All New Alternative Writing Guidelines and several other new AGG/GAG features. But first let's remind ourselves why we believe Another Galaxy Guide is necessary and why the Galactic Anomalies Group established the Committee for Alien Content to bring you this AGG/GAG column in each week's edition of The h2g2 Post.

WE are not the first to complain about the stringent rules of the Writing Guidelines of the Official Edited Guide and we'd like to salute some rebel pioneers.

Our hats are off to:

The Freedom From Faith Foundation

In their words from that page:

"The Freedom From Faith Foundation is proud to be the single largest collection of rejected articles anywhere in h2g2. The official Guide is after balance, but in this area of scholarship, "balance" is just as silly as giving equal time to Creation dogma in science classes... Creationism is no more a product of science than religion is a form of scholarship. Our rejected articles are well-researched pieces that display a high caliber of writing, and we consider our rejection letters to be a badge of honor, and wear them proudly."

And then there's this:

Alternative Answers to The Ultimate Question by Grimethorpe2k1

Another example of a researcher trying to be true to the vision of DNAdams who was frustrated by the Edited Entry protocols and said so in a conversation thread he attached to the official Guidelines page:

"These guidelines are aimed at making the Guide as boring as possible. For an alternative approach, I suggest you try my own entry, flouting most of the BBC rules at A615160

Beings for freedom unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains."

smiley - ghostsmiley - piratesmiley - devil

So the time has come. Revolution Now!

smiley - nahnah

The Committee for Alien Content has created 3 brand new pages to help make AGG/GAG more enjoyable and acessable to all:

As promised, to help you achieve your allotted fifteen minutes of fame and glory in Another Galaxy Guide (AGG/GAG), we present:

the all new Alternative Writing Guidelines. - by Subcom.Deidzoeb

For those in a hurry to attain literary immortality, we even have an Alternative to the Alternative:

the KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) version. - by tonsil revenge

And we've established a new page where you can learn even more about

how you can contribute to AGG/GAG. - by Lucinda

smiley - monster

We welcome and depend upon your input.

Please, join one of our conversations or start your own at our homepage:
Another Guide to the Galaxy / Galactic Anomaly Group / Committee for Alien Content


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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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