The h2g2 Post: 14.05.18

2 Conversations

A crest bearing the legend The H2G2 PostA crest bearing the legend The H2G2 Post

Posted: 14th May 2018

Weird Places to Be

A monolithic church

That's a monolithic church. Seriously. Superfrenchie took its picture in the South of France. What's a monolithic church? It's one that's dug out of rock. You might have known that, but you might be surprised that there are such things in Europe. We live to find out things like that. That's what h2g2 is all about: Researchers go out and find things, send pictures and stories and say, 'Guess where I'm standing now? You won't believe what I just found out.' There's a lot of that going on this week.

There's also a lot of cool French stuff this week. Why? Why not? As much as it may gall the Anglo-Saxon chauvinist, France is pretty. It's spring, and we've got Researchers on the move there. Enjoy the pictures, and help Minorvogonpoet and Superfrenchie answer some travel questions. Want to see different places? Send us pictures and stories from where you are. We're not fussy. It's all good. And if we don't spell it right, just let us know. We'll learn.

How shall we entertain you this week? Let us count the ways:
A furnished room
  • As always, there is nature. Willem has brought a black crake to show-and-tell, and boy, is it interesting. Superfrenchie needs your help to identify some unusual flowers in France (where else?), and there are some pretty ones on the Editor's windowsill. Meanwhile, Freewayriding shows you a cat as you've never seen it before. Seriously.
  • There is also cinema. Awix has found a treat for you: it comes from Japan and features a broomstick.
  • We quiz you, inform you, and make your head hurt with really amazingly bad prose. You can take it, and you might learn something.
  • NEW WRITER ALERT: A big h2g2 welcome to a new contributor, Paigetheoracle. You're going to find him a kindred spirit, we suspect. This week, Paige has some philosophical musings for us. One is in poetry form and involves a Bugblatter Beast. It made us thoughtful.
  • On a related note and speaking of philosophy, Prof Animal Chaos is back! We rejoice, even if his Caption Challenge made us scratch our head. Please help caption this. We need an interpreter.
  • Sasha has a book review. We have a confession: of all the terrible things the h2g2 Post is responsible for, probably one of our worst crimes is that we've actually increased the 21st-century readership of Ms Charlotte Yonge. Okay, maybe only by a dozen, but that's probably a dozen too many. The American Library Association probably hates us. Not content with binge-reading our Charlotte, Sasha has branched out to her contemporaries. You'll find this review enlightening, and remember: a good review saves you from reading the book.
  • Bluebottle has found another sign. This one is mysterious. It fits right in with all the other weird stuff this week. Enjoy.
  • There are jokes. There's a funny video. Pianos are damaged. Fun is had.
A skull in a toy toilet. Your guess is as good as ours.
So there you have it. We've officially lost our collective minds. It's spring, and the fever is raging. Pick an excuse and stick with it. We should elevate the tone around here, you say? Well, you know what to do. Send Stuff. We need photos. We need fiction. We want your poetry (seriously). We'd like to know how spring is progressing in your part of the northern hemisphere, or what else is happening if you're somewhere else. Write early and often. Think of something for this month's 'underground' challenge. The moles are impatient.

And have a great week out there!

Dmitri Gheorgheni




  • h2g2 Poem
  • The Loneliness of the
    Bugblatter Beast.


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