Ariadne's ball of string...

4 Conversations

...through the Underguide labyrinth. A list of links set up to navigate the UnderGuide pages when it was still being discussed; now kept as a record of its genesis1. Last Updated Jan'04.(Recommended accompaniment; Sixty Million Frenchmen, (thanks to tonsil revenge) for that.)

In the beginning was the spiff question; "Why is the AWW2 still such a dead-end?". The end of the AWW was without form (officially) and void and official darkness had swept over the face of the AWW. Ashley3 said "Let there be Official Recognition". And there was Official Recognition4, and it was called UnderGuide5. Ashley said "Let there be Volunteers". And there were Volunteers and Ashley said "Let them be gathered into one place" and they cried 'Yahoo!' and were gathered into Yahoo. Ashley said "Let The Underguide teem with Gems of entries and let there be Miners to find the Gems and Gem Polishers to display the Gems and..."...and that's quite enough of that.

Links for The Underguide, now an official part of h2g26

Links to its past and how it came about.

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1For old times sake.2That's the Alternative Writing Workshop. Then the only part of the official site set up for submission of things nonEditedGuideable.3An alternatively friendly h2g2 italic/denizen of the Towers/member of h2g2 staff.4In September'035And we will see that it is good.6As at 17-9-03, many of these are still being drafted and finetuned.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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