How to Play h2g2Chess

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First of all please remember a few things about this programme.

  1. I'm not a professional programmer and while I think I've got rid off all the bugs, I very much doubt it.
  2. This isn't a one player against the computer game. It's a graphical chess board that allows two h2g2 researchers to play against each other regardless of distance, time zones or free time.
  3. Because of the way I've written the code, to be able to play I need to register everyone in a script I host off site. There may be a way around this, but I don't know how to do it.

That's it for the serious stuff, now how to use this programme. First of all make sure I've got you registered. You only need to be registered once, and you can start and play as many games at a time as you wish.
If you're not registered, then the easiest way to do so is to email me on [email protected] telling me your h2g2 user name, so that other players can recognise you, and what player password you would like to use.

Next up, to use the programme you need to log into h2g2 as Chess Player.
To do this, log out of h2g2 and then click on the register button in the goo.
For the email address enter - [email protected]
And for the password enter - queen
That will then log you in as Chess Player and you will then be able to use the programme.
Please remeber to log out again afterwards :-)

Now, how to play...
Find a player to play against. Sounds simple and it is. Use the forums from this page to talk to other players and challange them to thrash you hollow.

Once you have found an opponent you then need to start a match. You'll find a link to the Create a Match page from the Chess Player homepage, or alternatively go to A275618.
Once there select the player names from the drop down lists. Player One will be white and playing up the screen and Player Two will be black and playing down the screen. Then all you have to do is click the Start a New Match button.
This will open a new window asking you to confirm that you want to start a new game. Do so.

You will now find yourself at a newly created h2g2 page with a chess board set out ready to play.

How to Move...
On the top left hand corner of the board you will see the name of the player whose turn it is to move.
If it is your turn enter your player password into the password box and use the drop down lists to enter the grid co-ordinates of the piece you wish to move and the square you wish to move it to.
Then click the Make Move button.

Again you will be presented with a new window and a Confrim Move button. Do so. This will now automagically rewrite the coding for the match board, taking into account your move. It will also change which players turn it is.

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