Loudoun Academy

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Loudoun Academy is situated outside the village or 'town' to the residents of Galston. Galston is situated in the Irvine valley, south west Scotland, Britain, Europe. The first person a new pupil will meet on going to Loudoun Academy is Mrs Mc Lean. If you have ever wondered what Satan looks like now you would now. But Don't Panic (sorry) her Bark is much worse than her bite. Though her Bark is very, very, very scary. In the end once you get to about 5th and 6th year she is Mostly Harmless (I am just too funny).
The standard of education is quite high at Loudoun. The average range of subjects are available, so no Ancient Greek. Some of the school's equipment though was second hand when the school was built over 25 years ago, and they look like it.
The price of a school meal here is terrible, the price has gone up a few times in the last few weeks. The price goes up because a lot of the lunch is stolen every day. The price going up though increases the stealing which increases the prices which increases the stealing which increases the prices which increases the stealing.
I hope you have got the idea because I am tired of typing.
Now the library. The library is 'run' by Franny, you would not believe how hated she is by the pupils especially the senior pupils. She acts as if she is the god of the library. She is constantly telling us to shut up and threating to throw us out. She calls us seniors and pronounces 'seniors' in the most annoying way that you really want to punch her. Today she was away at some course so some pupils left her a leaving present for her to see tommorow seeing as we are leaving in a few days. They put the chairs on top of the book shelf up-turned all the tables left notices everywere with 'seniors' written on it and made sure that no one not goes in to see it and fix it before Franny gets to see it.
Loudoun is an OK place and if you are going there you will be fine.

P.S. that last line was a load of rubbish.

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