Great British Beer Festival

5 Conversations

Saturday, 5th August, Olympia in London.

The Great British Beer Festival, as run by CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale is to be held on the first week of August this year at Olympia.There are around 2000 - 3000 different beers being
brewed at any one time in Britain. A lot more than you see in your average pub. Not all of us are lucky
enough to live within staggering distances from pubs that stock a good range of ales, or even stock
ales at all. So what could be better than having literally hundreds of these fine brews available under
one roof?1 I am furiously trying to grow a beard and exercising my drinking muscles in preparation of this great event and the thought has struck me, why not try and get some of the local researchers together for something that appears to be dear to their hearts, drinking and talking twaddle. So, anyone want to come join me?


Saturday, 5th August, Noon-One of the afternoon clock until they throw us out!


To get to Olympia by tube take either the district (green) or picadilly (navy blue) to Earls
Court station. Change to the district line platforms and wait for the next train to Olympia.
The exhibition centre is across the road from the station, anyway you'll probably be
following the people in front of you anyway
The station is also served by overground trains but I don't know anything about those.
Thanks to Bumblebee, we now have a map of the local area, showing the underground stops. Ta.
Once in to the festival, the suggestion is to meet by the Queen Mother Celebration Bar, which is bar D on this map. There we can drink to her health, or not depending on your politics. Hmm, might get the conversation going.


You can get drunk on beers solely called Queen Mother! They also have a Pub Quiz on the Saturday afternoon, which I wish to humiliate myself in. Any other reasons can be gleaned from their website here

So, sign up below


1Furiously nicked from Pastey, let's hope he does not notice!2Happy now?

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