
1 Conversation

What's to say about yesterday, really? First, let's say what yesterday is not. It is generally not today or tomorrow, though it keeps trying to catch up to them. Other minds have pondered whether today and tomorrow truly end up as yesterday. They are welcome to keep pondering. Quite frankly, I'd rather make a sandwich.

"Yesterday" often refers to the day after two days ago.

"I remember thinking that going down the street for a quick scotch was a good idea, then suddenly it was today, and my head hurt." <--- That is an example of a specific yesterday, that is to say, the day before today (at time of writing).

"But hey, Mister," (I can hear you say),"Can't the word yesterday refer to more than that?" Yes, it sure can. Step on over here and look at it this way.

"I remember thinking that no problem was insurmountable, that I could win any fight, that we'd always be together." <--- That there is an example of yesterday in a broader and more abstract manner, as a person reminisces about the wacky halcyon days of their youth - bygone days, happier times, and all that rot.

"Yesterday" is also when many people (often impatient clients) want deliveries to take place. Who hasn't overheard a dialogue like this at least once:
"...'Fer crisakes tell yer shelldrake gimme an artillery strike on gridref 285.914 !"
"Em, papa zulu, when did you want that strike?"
"Freakin' YESTERDAY! - bang!bang!yeeeeeuk ugh... thump"
"Uh, papa zulu, say again all after 'yesterday'... hello?".
Yes folks, best to make deliveries before people want them

There is a popular theory that many ignorant people were born yesterday.

"Yesterday" is also a meloncholy pop song by a band of yesteryear (yesteryear being an irritating slang word meaning something like the broad and abstract "yesterday" definition above... ahh, seems like yesterday I wrote that).

"Only yesterday" is when it seems to some people that you were much shorter. For instance, your Great-Aunt (or whoever) may say "Seems like only yesterday you were just knee high, reciting 'Gunga Din' at the talent show." It's no good to tell ol' Aunt Hattie that in fact yesterday you woke up in Buenos Aires with a full beard and ambiguous memories, and had to max out a gold card to make it to her 80th birthday party on time. Aunt Hattie speaks of a subjective yesterday, and she probably could do without hearing of your dubious adventures - but who am I to speak for your Aunt Hattie.

Whatever definition one finds personally applicable, "yesterday" can be a word that's just chalk full of possibilities - not unlike making a new friend. Sort of. In a way. So get on board, and let's put the 'yes' back in yesterday!

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