Wicca- a Legacy of Persecution

3 Conversations

"Wicca, which is an Old English word meaning 'wise,' is a positive, Earth-oriented, nature religion with ancient roots that are pre-Christian. It gloriously celebrates the life force, encourages spiritual growth, and includes seasonal rites to attune oneself to the beauty, magick, and love of Mother Nature and Goddess Earth.
"Wicca is not a passing fad. It is a strong religion of light and love, both ancient and contemporary, that is here to stay." The Wicca Source Book, Revised Second Edition by Gerina Dunwich

The Legacy of Persecution

The origins of the religion of Witchcraft date back about 25,000 years, to the Paleolithic Age. Unfortunately, there is little information about these times, as the Old Ways were not exactly headline material. However, a time came when masculine ideals and male gods began to rise and challenge the Mother Goddess. Families began to be traced through the male lineage, rather than through the mother, and men took over the chief places of the priesthood. The old ways of the common people came into conflict with a new religion that was popularized by rulers and upper classes - Christianity.

Pope Gregory the Great made the first attempt at mass conversion. He thought that only way to get people to go to Christian churches was to build them on sites of the Old Religion's meeting places. In an effort to establish this new religion, many Old Ways were adapted. For example, the Egyptian Trinity of Isis, Osiris, Horus became God (the father), Jesus (the son), and the Holy Spirit1. And although biblical evidence shows that Jesus was born in late summer or fall, the Church of Rome in the middle of the fourth century declared Dec. 25 as the date of Jesus' birth. Dec. 25 falls very close to the Old Religion's celebration of the Winter Solstice - Yule - the birth of the Sun. (note that the Christians celebrate the birth of the Son) The Spring Equinox, which Pagans celebrate as the return of the Sun, using fertility symbols such as eggs and the hare, became the Christian's Easter celebration and the day of the Son's resurrection. Fall equinox celebrations were incorporated as Michaelmas, the feast of the archangel who supposedly conquered the Christian's all-evil presence, Satan.

When the Christians began to believe that their new ways weren't catching on fast enough, life became a lot rougher for those who were still practicing the Old Religion. Christian leaders began to tell everyone that Witches were devil worshippers and savages. Women, who menstruate and give birth, were identified with sexuality and therefore with evil. In December 1484 the Bull of Pope Innocent VII was published. It declared Heinrich Kramer and Jakob Sprenger as inquisitors. These two men in turn created the Malleus Maleficarum, which details the tortures that could be used to obtain confessions to Witchcraft. This sinister work sparked a hysteria which spread rapidly across Europe.

It is impossible to know exactly how many people were burned during the Burning Times, although scholars have estimated the numbers to be between 40,000 and 100,000. The ironic thing is that the vast majority of the people who were burned were not even Witches. Most of them are believed to have been devout Christians who were wrongly accused. Victims were often the elderly, the senile, homosexuals and freethinkers. During this time, people began to blame their problems on Witches and Witchcraft. Witches soon were blamed for every misfortune - they were thought to have the power to raise the dead, turn water into wine, control the weather and foresee the future.2

Once denounced, a suspected Witch was arrested and hideously tortured into a confession. Suspects were usually subjected to thumbscrews, the rack, or boots which broke the bones of the legs. They were deprived of sleep, starved, and beaten. At times, hundreds of suspected Witches were killed in a day. Those who did not die during torture were taken to be burned at the stake or hanged. Since many of the burnings or hangings took place in public, the victims were prevented from talking to the crowds through the use of wooden gags or having their tongues cut out.

Those who persisted in following the Old Ways were eventually forced to move underground in order to survive. Even though the persecutions ended in the 18th century, the stereotype of Witches as devil worshippers and the predjudices against them remained. There are many, many Christians and followers of other religions who today are accepting of faiths other than their own, including Witchcraft. But much of the ignorance remains. However, in this century, Witchcraft has been recognized as a valid religion by the U.S. Supreme Court. Wiccan churches are gaining tax-exempt status just like the Christian churches and witches are finally moving to the point where they can once again practice without fear.

About Wicca

Wicca is a do-it-yourself religion. Wiccans have no clergy who claim to speak for the Gods. It is not unheard of for a witch3 to go his or her entire life without ever meeting another. Most witches teach themselves to work magick4. Therefore the Craft is different for everyone. Some witches practice alone, while some seek out a coven5 to practice with others.


Wiccans practice magick6. Yes, magick is very real- not just to witches!7 It affects the universe. It is serious business, not something to be taken lightly or fooled around with. Magick is about empowerment, it is a tool for self-improvement and self-determination. Wiccans recognize magick as a gift from the Goddess8, and witches do not perform magick for monetary reward. Wiccans do not need to prove that they have true powers.

Wiccan Beliefs

There is one rule by which every Wiccan is bound: "An it harm none, do as ye will." This means that we do not intentionally harm or infringe upon anyone's freedom of choice with our spells. Wiccans do not harm others unless in self-defense.

Wiccans are polytheistic9. Many wiccans worship the deities of the ancient Greek or Roman cultures, some worship those of the Celts and Egyptians. A few worship some of each.

Wiccans believe strongly in the Threefold Law; everything that you is returned to you threefold. Many also believe in Karma10, so they usually try to do as much good as possible.

Wiccans believe in reincarnation11.

Wicca accepts members from both sexes, every race, and every sexual preference.

Wiccans do not evangelize. They feel no need to convert new members, and they will not corrupt your children. They believe strongly in the fact that people should be allowed to worship as they please12.

Wiccan Sabbats13

Yule is the time of greatest darkness and the longest night of the year. The Winter Solstice14 had been associated with the birth of a "Divine King" long before the rise of Christianity. Since the Sun is considered to represent the Male Divinity in many Pagan Traditions, this time is celebrated as the "return of the Sun God" where He is reborn of the Goddess. Basically, this means that Yule is the time when the days begin to get longer and warmer. The sun returns and the dark time of winter is ending.

Imbolc represents the return of light into the world. The earliest whisperings of Springtide are heard now as the Goddess nurtures those born in the spring. As a time of the year associated with beginning growth, Imbolc is an initiatory period for many. This is celebrated February 2nd.

The first true day of Springtide. The days and nights are now equal in length as the young continue to mature and grow. Shoots of new growth and swelling buds are seen on the trees. Energy is building as the days become warmer with promise. This occurrs on the spring equinox.

(Also known as May Day) The Land represented by the Goddess is now ripe and fertile. This is a time of joyous reveling as the first flowers of Summer are gathered in Her honor. This occurrs on May 1.

Litha, or Midsummer
Occurring on the summer solstice, the days of the first harvesting of herbs as the Earth now begins to share her bounty. This time of the longest days is celebrated as a fire festival. The season between the planting and the harvest, June is also the "traditional" month for handfastings15.

(The First Harvest) Plants are setting their seed for the next year as the cycle of Nature continues. The Sun is still burning brightly, but the passing of the days reminds us of the coming of Autumn. The young animals are now almost full grown and our plans begin to be realized. Lammas is celebrated August 1.

(The Second or Continuing Harvest) Now, as at Ostara, the days and nights are equal once again. Our gardens are in full bloom. There is a slight nip in the air already and preparations begin for the long cold months which are to come. Mabon occurrs on the Autumn Equinox.

(The Last Harvest) Also known as Halloween (October 31), Samhain is the Wiccan New Year. This is a time of reflection, the time to honor the Ancients who have gone on before us and a prime time for divination. It is a time for recognizing one's part in the eternal cycle of life.

Common Misconceptions about Witches and/or Wiccans

Witches are ugly women with black cats and warts on their noses.
This is a terrible misconception. Witches can be blonde, blue-eyed, and beautiful. Witches are normal people like you. Not all witches like cats, for that matter.

Witches sacrifice children to their gods.

Witches seduce your husbands and put curses on you.
Witches do not have supernatural powers of seduction, if your husband runs off with one, chances are it's of his own free will. A Wiccan will never curse you. They will not, for it will return upon them threefold.

Witches are female, warlocks are male.
Witches are both male and female. Witches do not call their male practitioners "warlocks" because that is a word that means "traitor".

Wicca is just another teenage fad.
I don't know if you've noticed or not, but this isn't exactly Britney Spears we're talking about! This is a RELIGION, not a boy band. The Old Ways have existed since the dawn of time. It's not about to disappear along with Christina Aguilera and the Backstreet Boys.

Places to Go to Learn About Wicca

About.com's Pagan/Wiccan Start Page A very good source.

Comparisons between religions.I found this one FASCINATING.

1Although not all Wiccans worship the Egyptian deities, the allusion still holds true.2Note some definite similarities to the stories about Jesus in the Bible: lazarus's resurrection, turning water into wine, walking on water and stopping the storm at sea... You get the idea.3Herein, the word "wiccan" will be used in reference to a follower of the religion, the word "witch" in reference to a magical practitioner. There are witches who are not Wiccan, just as there are Christians who are not Catholic.4Such Witches are called "Natural Witches" as opposed to "Hereditary Witches" who are raised as such (ie. they have parents/relatives who are witches, and are taught as a child).5A group of witches who practice together, traditionally a group of 7 or 13, but these days it is sometimes hard to find even 7 in some places.6Spelled with a 'k' to show the difference between parlor magic (ie. rabbits out of hats) and real magick (ie. spells, rituals, rites).7This isn't a figment of their imaginations!8Wiccans worship many deities at once, but the one deity that all Wiccans recognize is the Goddess. There is no exact origin of her existence. She is usually believed to be the Mother Earth, although she could be compared to the Christian saint Mary.9Polytheistic- believes in many gods (ie. ancient Greeks or Romans), as opposed to Monotheistic- believes in one god (ie. Christianity)10They basically add up to the same thing.11The belief that, when a person dies, he or she is reborn as someone new.12Sadly, they are not always afforded the same courtesy.13A sabbat is a Wiccan holy day, such as Christmas and Easter to Christians.14A solstice is the time when the season changes. It is also called an equinox.15Wiccan wedding ceremonies where both individuals pledge their lives to each other.

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