
1 Conversation

There has always been something about Kingston upon Hull.
I think I made a wrong turn somewhere and ended up here. I love The Housmartins, and the record "Hull=4, London=0" always held some magical evocative calling to me. There were references to Humberside in some Smiths songs too, so when I decided to study in Britain the choice was clear. See Hull and die.
Don't get me wrong, I like the place, it has a strange way of getting under your skin, it grows on you, er... I am running out of clichés.
There is nothing spectacular to see here. The Old Town is charming in its own rundown way. The Prince's Quay is a very nicely situated shopping centre, but it lacks class. Ah! There is also the Humber Bridge of course, one of the wonders of the world.
The locals are not especially friendly towards students, but then again, I don’t blame them. At 2:00 AM, I sometimes get the urge to own a shotgun and perform some target practice with the drunken students shouting obscenities outside my window.
Nevertheless, there is something maddeningly charming about Hull. When I went on holiday to Portugal over Easter, I kept missing my small student room and the languid afternoons walking down by Newland Avenue.
Not the prettiest city in Britain, but certainly the most resilient.

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