1 Conversation

Experimental, recreational, some might say revelational hallucinogenic substance once fashionable amongst people who now have stuff like endowment policies to scramble their brains instead.

Like all drugs, LSD has a time and a place. It's good for some stuff, bad for others. For further information, see either Miriam Stoppard's disturbing poem 'Ode to Sticky Label On A Non-Stick Frying Pan', or J.D. Visorburger's cult classic 'Fighting On Acid Turns You Back Into a Monkey'.

Above all, what any user should bear in mind is that, although you've boarded the train there's no getting off, despite the disorientation, the fear, the reruns of 'Button Moon' and the nagging sensation that you're giving birth to socks (is that just me?), it's better to have done acid and lost than never to have doved at all, as this wee tale demonstrates :

I spoke to a friend of mine the other day who said that she took a couple of acid tabs and lay down in a field. After a while a giant spacecraft appeared, took her on board and gave her a guided tour of our Galaxy. 'Wow,' I said, 'that must have been scary, if you were on acid...'

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