Spindly Killa Fish

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SKF stands for 'Spindly Killa Fish', pronounced; spin-der-ley killer fish. A punk band which was first started in 1997 by Harpenden teenagers Tom Hammond, Mark B and Matthew Barker. The band started out at Roundwood Park School and covered many songs by the likes of Green Day, Foo Fighters and many other punk and rock related groups. Their first live performance was in 1998 at the school Rock Concert. During the summer of 1998 the band let go Bass player Matt Barker and hired the Drummer Tray Tuck (aka Elk on h2g2) thus was born 'The New SKF'. Mark B, previously the drummer became the vocalist and then went on to become the rhythm guitarist. In late 1998 the band employed a bass player (Chris MJ) who left after two rehersals to join a Ska/punk band 'Runamok'. After the leaving of their bass player the band joined with Lead Guitarist Alex Woodcock (Magic Al) and bass player Ben Woodcock (Genital Ben), to form the group now commonly known as 'Orifice'. Search for Orifice (Heavy Metal Band) for more info.

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