The Building Department

3 Conversations

<CENTER><B>Welcome to the</B></CENTER><CENTER><FONT size="6" color="cyan">Frink's Drinks Building Department</FONT></CENTER><P/>Yes, every member of The Rambling Misfits gets his/her/its own room at the clubhouse! Your can decorate your room any way you like, but I have a few small requests:<ul><li>Please create a user page for your room<li>Please provide a link on your user page that points back to the <a href=>Frink's Drinks Lobby</a><li>You are encouraged to relate your room in some way to your position(s) on the team, but it's not required<li><a href=>Click here</a> to apply for your building permit, and make sure to include the address and name of your room<li>Limit one permit per researcher<li>Once your permit is awarded, I will post a link to your room in the lobby</ul>That's all there is to it! Everything else is up to you.<p><font size="2">Note: All the orginal rooms (The Bar, The Sound Room, The Observatory, etc.) will remain in the directory. But don't be afraid to make a room that is similar to an existing room - it's all up to you.</font><p></CENTER><P><font size="1">Back to the <a href=>lobby</a></font>.

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