Word of the Week

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In the dim dark recesses of h2g2 history before we moved lock, stock and barrel to our new BBC home there used to be a front page feature The h2g2 Word of the Day. It was a way to highlight some of the lesser occurring or largely obscurer words in the English language. Sadly this feature was

However I now think it is high time that there was a chance for researchers to enhance each others vocabulary again, at least once a week in The Post. Plus I will be delving into the archives to see
just who suggested some of the previous words of the day.

A Trawl Through the Archives

Going back to the oldest threads on the h2g2 word of the day page it would appear that the
first word to be so honoured was:

a. Turnip-shaped; large and round in the upper part, and very slender

This word gathered the following sensible uses as a response:

  • Yoz - Do you like my new spinning top? It's delightfully
    napiform, isn't it? And a gorgeous shade of maroon.
    As is my hot air balloon.
  • Bruce - Seen the current female cast of Baywatch, almost
    all napiform.
  • Padawan - But sis are you sure that's for neck pain, it's
    rather napiform.
  • M31 - Baldrick was completely besotted by things napiform.
    If you want an in-depth essay on Baldrick and coincidence - Read my as yet
    unrejected submission.

As well as the following word play:

  • Galaxy Goddess - My best friend has just had a baby...in a recent phone conversation I asked how her husband was coping with the little sprog -- was he helping to change the diapers? She said yes, in fact, he was very good when baby needed changing, very neat and tidy. I couldn't help myself, I said 'So... he has great napiform!' (Groan - ed)

Plus the following uses of totally mystifying exponentially excessive vocabulary, deigned to
confuse colleagues:

  • Bluebeard - I couldn't let an opportunity like this word
    pass me by so I said to the beautiful, but not wonderfully intellectual young girl who works in
    my office, 'You look very napiform today.'

    She blushed and said 'Ooh, thank you very much.'
  • wsfn - 'You know, if you stood her on her head she would be napiform.' -- regarding a rather plump co-worker.

How can you contribute?

  1. Go and check out words in the archive to avoid duplication.
  2. Check out the discussion threads and nominate a word that you feel was overlooked before discontinuation.
  3. Suggest a new word or your forgotten word in the word of the week archive conversation.

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