Society for hopeless confusers of left and right

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Society for hopeless confusers of left and right

Travel matters:

I propose in the northen hemisphere you all travel on the North side going to the East. And on the South side going to the West and careful if you are lost. There can be a slight advantage in this as the coriolis effect tends this direction anyway. This has to be opposite for the southern hemisphere.

If you are absolutely unsure in wich hemisphere you are in. Take a cup of coffee, dont stir or add spoons. Place it on a cold spot and see in what direction the coffee turns. Depending on rotational speed, planet mass and longitude it should be affected by corriolis in a while. If there is no rotation left in the cup it will have reached surrounding temperature. The polar bears will be glad to swim in it for you.

Buttoning matters:

I propose we try symmetrical, only use zippers.

Out of bed side manners:

It is up to you being indecisive or not.
Take care for not too many offspring as this planet has an overload already.

In gray matter side:

It will be the program. You can request an update, or rewrite yourself.

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