Bilateral state confusion.

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Bilateral state confusion.

Am I Logged in or Logged out?

Am I Logged in or Logged out or am I not Logged at all?

Besides the fact that I really have ploblems to log in or out, which is due to my habit of using a few systems to search, lurk, research, edit, translate and get info.

I sense some problems in (or out) of bilateral state confusion. As with glasses being half full or half empty, statements being true or false and even "to be or not to be". Let us assume we are, there would be no point of dispute anyway, if we are not.

The most common error of resetting a system is by switching it on and off, which would result in the defined state of off. Even inside most systems there is doubt about what is on and what is off, lets take the reset button itself. Most likely in the system off state the electrons on both wires are happy, they do what they always do on there day off: mostly nothing, pressing the button would not give them much more or less to do. Then the system is switched on. Most likely there grows an urge for electrons in one wire to travel to the other. This is also known as there is a voltage over the wires. By pressing the button their drift is released to move, thereby bringing the state of the both wires equal. To furthermore complex this interior states the first component inside the system will probaly sense the voltage has dropped, which it states as true.

The electrons were happy when off, turned to urging in on and happy again by button press. The voltage was low in off, high in on and back to low again by button being pressed. The information to the system was mainly nothing in off, false when on and true again by pressing the button.

Depending on the properties for electrons, voltage or system there will always be the one added thing to confuse all: "information".

So being in doubt over the state you are in is a matter of information. Either you have too little information to understand the issue at all or you lack information to understand what is really the infromation you are looking for.

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