Let others do the work

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Let others do the work.

There is nothing inposible for the thinker who let the hard work be done by computers. Let me introduce them to you:

We have got here: AMDK6-2 running at 300 MegaCycles (the pedal type) One who has done some great thinking over the past years as still searching for 00.
Do not forget his grandparents V20 and V30 they do the tower of hanoi in less time then it takes for them to reset.

Then we have here the corner with the more fashionate PII. The guardian over the telephone lines. Also responsible for the vision as the webcams are known.
Here we see also the mind borbeling fast Celeron as there are 700 MegaCycles under the hood The only trouble is, Celeron is so fast it does shutdown before I have ever been able to ask for advise.
And there in the playing corner we see PinkPanther, PII's brother, still in doubt wheter is has to run 175 or 233 MegaCycles.
These young blokes are supported and advised by a few 486 systems, almost always asleep. So as the gand parents 386/387, and a couple of 286/287's and still sometimes awake the great grand parents 86 and 85 and merely dozing if any activity z80.

They all live happyly together in playgroup, their local network.

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