Deadline: now!

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Deadline: now!

Deadline, it has to be done, it should have been done already. A deadline the virtual line crossed by incompleteness and unfinished objects. Surely for the complete or finished object it was there also, it was simply not detected while there was no need.

Deadline, how pity, I never knew a line could be alive. Call 911, excercise CPR. Give this line some room please, wide enough to stretch completely.

Deadline, did you forgot to pay the bill? Is your sister talking with her girlfriend again. Or is your system connected already? Sending an email to your local phone provider does not work, you can not find the phone number of the company while you are off line.

Deadline, my condolances to the relations, as a flatliner without any brain activity will lack the personal entity.

For now, no time to waste, as long as the Ideas flow, don not stop it, as they will by hogging up the process if not expressed.

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