Marvin Turns To The Dark Side (CAC Edition)

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The Cyberleader

Chapter Three

The Cyberleader’s silver body glistened in what little moonlight shone through Marvin’s French windows. Marvin’s black chair spun around, he was now stroking a stuffed white cat because the living cats died when he didn’t feed them. He thought about getting a slave to feed the cat, but it was too much bother so he just got a stuffed cat instead.
Marvin’s eyes shone brightly, “You know the plan this time?”
“Yes, master.” said the Cyberleader.
“No improvising, remember what happened last time you improvised and didn’t follow my plan?!” said Marvin mechanically.
The Cyberleader’s head dropped slightly, “Yes, master.”
“The Doctor beat you didn’t he?” Marvin said accusingly.
“Yes, master.” a slight twinge of anger and shame was in his deep metallic voice.
“Well, follow the plan and he won’t win will he?” said Marvin, it was so simple to his giant brain but to the simple brain of a Cyberman this was like the Bermuda triangle.
“Yes, master.” his voice now sounded like nails on a chalkboard.
Marvin hissed something at the Cyberleader as he left the room, “I don’t know why work with these morons.”

The Doctor was still miserable after they had dematerialised. He kept sighing occasionally, he even at times would start crying. Rose wondered if he was like this after the Time War as well, because from what she could tell… he was. On all the planets they’d been on throughout her entire venture with the Doctor, she had never seen him take her to such dull, miserable and sad planets. He had seemed uninterested and bored by the problems of planets. And, they hadn’t seen anyone who had wanted to kill them since their adventure with Marvin.
The Doctor broke the silence, “Where to next?”
Rose was annoyed at the fact that he wasn’t telling her how he felt, “Look, what’s wrong? You’ve been miserable since Amy died.”
The Doctor gave her a look which pained her, “That’s why I’m upset. Amy, the last Time Lady in the universe killed by someone who I thought was a friend! How could Marvin do something like this?”
“It depends how long he’s been evil.” said Rose.
“Good point. In that case, he’s been evil since…” the Doctor thought to himself for a moment and then gave Rose a very serious, worried look, “I left Gallifrey for the first time.”
Rose frowned, “Age?”
“Very old, over 900 years old.” he answered.
Suddenly, the TARDIS shook violently, knocking all the crew members into the TARDIS’ walls. The same alert that Rose and the Doctor had experienced a long time ago started: something was mauve… and dangerous. The Doctor leapt to the console and slapped buttons on the console. The TARDIS materialised with a loud thump. Rose stood up slowly and walked over to the Doctor.
“Where are we? Where have we landed?” asked Rose.
“Damn good question! All the TARDIS’ scanner circuits have burnt out, so the only way we’re gonna find out is by going out there.” answered the Doctor walking up to the TARDIS doors.
Rose called after him, “But with no scanners we don’t know what’s out there!”
“Never! Gold medal in stating the blatantly obvious! I’m going out first because well, I’m a Time Lord. You are a human, I can withstand most things humans can’t. I stand a better chance facing whatever is out there. I’ll call for you when it’s safe to come out.” said the Doctor.
He walked out before Rose could open her mouth to argue. She frowned, and sat down.

The Doctor stepped out with his eyes closed and breathed in deeply, “Low oxygen levels… hmmm… tastes like sugar… hang on, I know this planet.”
He opened his eyes, “Oh no.”
A metallic Cyberman stared at him, he stared back nervously. The Cyberman spoke, “You will come with me.”
The Doctor hissed back to the TARDIS, “It’s not safe, I’ll tell you when it is.”
“You will come with me!” it repeated loudly.
“Oh, do I have to?” asked the Doctor playing for time.
“Yes.” it answered before hitting the Doctor in the face and knocking him unconscious. It then grabbed the Doctor and dragged him off into the distance in the general direction of a metal dome.
Rose poked her head through the TARDIS door, “He knows I wander off, so why bother asking me not to?”
She followed the Cyberman all the way to the dome.

Marvin sulked to himself. He spun around on the chair, then stopped as a Cyberman entered.
“Update?” asked Marvin.
“We have the Doctor in custody.” it answered melodically.
“Great, tell the Cyberleader to continue as planned and do remind him that he is not to improvise.” said Marvin making the Cyberman feel intimidated by his evil eyes.
The Cyberman saluted him and then left, Marvin though to himself afterwards, “I wish I hadn’t programmed the new ones to do that.”

The Doctor slowly regained consciousness, it took him a while to realise he was tied up. He struggled against them for a second then gave up. The Cyberleader would have smiled at his feeble struggles, if he had mouth to smile with.
“Oh, it’s you. What do you want?” asked the Doctor.
“I don’t want anything, MTPA, however, wants your head.” answered the Cyberleader simply.
“MTPA?” the Doctor thought for a second, “MTPA as in Marvin The Paranoid Android?”
“Maybe.” it answered unsympathetically.
The Cyberleader pressed a button on his left arm, hot blue electricity shot through the Doctor’s body. He convulsed in pain, groaning through his teeth. The Cyberleader laughed evilly at the Doctor’s pain. The Doctor gave the Cyberleader a pained look.

Rose snuck in through the back of the dome following a metal, silver robot. She found a vent and climbed into it. She crawled along it. Suddenly, she heard the Doctor’s voice followed by groan which she assumed was the Doctor’s. She crawled in the direction of the Doctor’s yell. When she arrived she looked down the vent. She saw the Doctor was tied up against a metal wall, a huge silver robot stood opposite him holding a remote with a big red button on it. She listened eagerly leaning over the hole in the vent.
“Enjoy that Doctor?” asked the silver robot.
“Did you enjoy the last time I beat you, Cyberleader?” asked the Doctor.
The ‘Cyberleader’ pressed the button in anger. The Doctor yelled in pain, his yell hurt Rose’s ears. Another silver robot walked up to the Cyberleader.
“What is it?” hissed the Cyberleader.
The Doctor was still convulsing in pain. The robot said, “The master told me to remind you to stick to the plan.”
“I’m really pissed off now.” said the Cyberleader, “Leave me now.”
The silver robot left at the command. The Doctor sighed with relief when the electricity stopped. The Cyberleader laughed and then pressed the button again. The Doctor convulsed again, his breathing became wheezy and he groaned painfully, Rose couldn’t watch, she looked away.

Marvin hummed to himself; he started twiddling a pen in between his fingers. He sighed miserably; the Cyberman opposite him moved a chess piece. Marvin moved a chess piece and took the Cyberman’s.
“Checkmate.” said Marvin.
“Oh.” said the Cyberman miserably, “How did you beat me?”
“Very easily, in two turns. My record.” answered Marvin.
“But that’s not fair!” said the Cyberman.
Marvin sighed and then pointed his finger at the Cyberman. Hot blue electricity shot out of his finger and killed the Cyberman in a wisp of smoke. Marvin sighed again and then switched on his CCTV monitor and watched the Cyberleader.

The Cyberleader pressed the button again after being insulted twice by the Doctor. The Doctor made no noise when the electricity came but his muscles screamed, not literally of course, but like I said his muscles were screaming at him.
The Doctor’s words were slightly stuttered, “Please, I ca..can’t take much more of this.”
“That’s the point. I am going to torture you until you fall unconscious, then I will wake you up and kill you in the most painful way I can think of.” hissed the Cyberleader.
“Yay!” groaned the Doctor sarcastically, “Oh, you don’t have to go to all that bother for little old me.”
Rose watched the Doctor and the Cyberleader from the vent. Suddenly, Rose heard someone else crawling in the vent. The noise became closer, Rose turned to face the noise. She braced herself for whatever or whoever was coming.

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