Bureaucracy is perfect!

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Bureaucracy is perfect!

Bureaucracy is perfect, at least the lawmakers try so, at least the lawmakers do as if they try to make it so, at least I think the lawmakers do as if they try to make it so.

Bureaucracy is perfect, at least the majority of them who try to obey the rules have that impression.

Bureaucracy an administrative system created and maintained by governments with the intend to make and keep laws strictly obeyed. As a result bureaus are founded for every rule or law substantionally enough to create enough administration to keep another bunch of people1 off the streets.

Bureaucracy is a battle between "the rules" and them who should obey them. The rules are basically simple but then the obeyers try to get something done. The follow the rules and discover they do not fit. The only way to get done what they started in the rules is to find the holes. After a while the government notices this behavior and create a new rule to avoid the problem. The obeyers then think of another way to avoid breaking the rules. This battle results quite often in conflicting rules and disappointed obeyers as they can not get common things done.

Some Earth Mathematician Godel2 came up with the answer. Every sufficient complex system can crash. That is: there is no way to create a closed3 system with strict laws.

Bureaucracy is just one of the unknown life froms on Earth. Following its own evolution it will keep growing until it just feeds on itself.

Lucky for us programmers are better rule makers then politicians are law makers.

1Hoping not to disappoint someone2search for the book in lybrary under proposition logic3System with no failures

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