Metallica - The Original Thrash Metal Band (CAC Edition)

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Metallica are currently one of the biggest rock/metal acts in the world today. They've been around many years, and their sound has progressed throughout their career from thrash metal to hard rock, along with some help from their friends in the LA Synphony Orchestra.

James Hetfield : Guitar/Vocals

Lars Ulrich : Drums

Kirk Hammet : Lead Guitar

Jason Newsted : Bass

Cliff Burton : Bass (RIP)

Their Origins

Metallica started out in Lars' garage. The band slowly played many gigs, and included ex-members Ron McGovney1 and Dave Mustaine2. The band also had help from another friend, Lloyed Grant3 for some of their early demo tapes.

Kill 'Em All

When the bands first album line-up, James Hetfield, Lars Ulrich, Kirk Hammett and Cliff Burton, got together, they produced Kill 'Em All in 1983. The album set new standards for metal in the USA, because it combined the NWOBHM4 style with the US metal sound, and they produced thrash metal.

Containing many of their hits, including Hit the Lights, Seek & Destroy, Motorbreath and Cliff's kick-ass bass solo Anesthesia (Pulling Teeth), the album did faily well on Megaforce records. But then it was time for the guys to Ride the Lightning, as their second album was being recorded and released.

Released in 1984 the album was origonally on Megaforce records. But later that year, when the band signed to Elektea, it was re-released on that lable.

Encyclopedia Metallica
1Bass Guitar 1981-19822Lead Guitar 1981-19833Lead guitar for some early demo tapes, although he only played the solos.4New Wave of British Heavy Metal - a type of music of which Lars was a great fan

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