What on earth are we doing here?

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What on earth are we doing here?

This is not just a Fan site for DNA,

It can not be the meaning of this site to create a list of bibliographs of all humans. I need to write the biography of that street sweeper cleaning the pavement at The Bandstand in Hyde Park, just after a group of people left the park having played a game of softball and some sort of croquet.

It can not be to collect just "travel" information as it is done by tourist bureaus. I need a disciption of that tile just round the corner at Picadilly station, you know the one, just a little more pale then its neighbours.

It can also not be the meaning of this site to report on every tv show, however that seems to be the most thrilling events most researches encounter. I have to write an entry on the reactions and response to the broadcasts as a whole.

I think

 I know!, as we are humans, at least the fingers that are typing this crap are, that makes we can not prohibit this to be the Earth edition of the Guide.

The Towers want us to contibute to the Guide, the only specification they do give about the contents of any article is: it has to be useful. It must be written in english, or something so close they do not see the difference.

We get the chance to discuss any topic into infinite nonsense, just to get us in the mood of writing an article. Lots of humans get inspired by thinking of the unthinkable, joining a complete nonsense conversation also works great for some to get inspired.

Also The Towers provided us with lots of mind boggeling things as <VIEWER/> tags and a lot of 42ism. This can only have one reason, confuse, baffle, perplex, astonish, surprise, amaze anything to get our minds working.

I guess it works, for me at least.

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"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is a wholly remarkable book. It has been compiled and recompiled many times and under many different editorships. It contains contributions from countless numbers of travellers and researchers."

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