Marvin Turns To The Dark Side (CAC Edition)

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The Cyberleader

Chapter Four

A small black cat faced Rose. Rose stared at it, bemused. It looked at her.
“What are you looking at? Never seen a cat before?!” it meowed at her.
“Oh, the translation circuits…” Rose whispered to herself.
“No, not Translation Circuits: I am a walking, talking cat.” it said to her.
“Who are you? More importantly, what are you?” asked Rose.
The cat walked up to her, “My name’s Misty, I’m a witch’s familiar.”
“Oh, are you here to help me save the Doctor?” asked Rose.
The cat shook her head, “I’m here because one of the Cybermen took my catnip stash away.”
Rose looked confused. Misty moved so she could also see the Doctor and the Cyberleader.

The Doctor grinned at the Cyberleader, “If you wanted someone who squirmed you picked the wrong person.”
The Cyberleader seemed impassive, “I care not whether you squirm or not either way I will kill you.”
The Doctor’s grin became a frown very quickly. The Cyberleader laughed evilly. The Doctor’s face was soaked with sweat and his face was very pale. The Cyberleader hovered his hand over the button.
The Doctor’s eyes widened, “I’m getting bored now. You evil baddies really do repeat yourselves don’t you?”
The Cyberleader pressed the button, the Doctor’s muscles felt like jelly, the pain was burning him from the inside. He gave the Cyberleader a stern look. Both Misty, Rose and even Marvin the paranoid android respected the Doctor’s firm, sarcastic, headstrong attitude. It was as if fear bounced off right off him.
“This next shock, Doctor, should act like a defibrillator on your hearts.” said the Cyberleader.
The Doctor looked genuinely worried and Rose knew that when he was worried it was genuinely dangerous. The Cyberleader laughed the evil trademark: ‘Mwhahahahahah!’ His hand lowered over the button, the Doctor closed his eyes preparing himself for the pain. The hand was millimetres away from the button, Rose closed her eyes: she couldn’t watch. Misty went into a pouncing position, she lifted her paw and the lid of the hole in the vent flew off. Misty pounced down onto the Cyberleader’s hand.
“AH!” shouted the Cyberleader who was now hopping around shaking his arm, trying to get Misty off.
“Wimp!” hissed Misty.
Rose took this opportunity to leap down from the vent. Her knees made a horrible noise, but took the blow of the land for her. All the Cybermen were running around trying to get Misty off the Cyberleader’s arm, Rose took this as a brilliant opportunity to rescue the Doctor. She walked over to him.
He half-heartedly smiled at her, “You’re here.”
“Yes, now how on Earth do I untie you?” asked Rose.
The Doctor nodded his head in the direction of a blue button, Rose pressed it. The Doctor was released. He collapsed on the floor, Rose helped him up and he limped out with her through the door. A small black cat soon followed them through the door.
The Doctor gave Rose a half-conscious confused look. Rose explained to him what Misty was. His eyes began fluttering.
“Can’t you summon a bed or something to carry the Doctor?” asked Rose to Misty urgently as an alarm started ringing.
“All you have to say is please!” growled Misty, who lifted her paw and, in a purple flash, a unicorn appeared.
“I’d ask but at the moment we need to move!” said Rose.
Rose lifted the Doctor’s half-conscious body onto the unicorn. She then mounted the unicorn and helped Misty on.
“How do you ride a unicorn?” asked Rose.
“Tell it where you want to go.” said Misty as if talking to something she had trodden in.
Rose spoke to the unicorn, “The Doctor’s TARDIS.”
The unicorn leapt into a run, manoeuvring in between Cybermen.
Eventually they reached the TARDIS, Misty sent the unicorn away and then summoned a man to help Rose carry the Doctor into the TARDIS. Misty followed and then sent the man away. The Doctor lay on the floor, Rose checked his pulse and then the semi-conscious Doctor became an unconscious Doctor.
“Well, what do we do now?!” hissed Misty.
“I have no idea!” shouted Rose at the top of her voice.
“How about we leave the Cyberdome and go somewhere with no Cybermen? The Cyberleader has already thwarted Marvin’s plans before we could even think about it!” explained Misty.
“Then let’s go somewhere, where the Doctor should be safe.” said Rose.
“Where?” asked Misty.
“Earth. Now where does the Doctor keep the manual?” Rose said.
The Doctor stirred, Rose shook his shoulders.
He groggily answered, “I don’t want to wake up!”
He sat up and then frowned at Rose, “Remember the last time you woke me up before I was ready? You added two hours on top of the already ridiculously long regeneration cycle! And we’re not going to Earth!”
“Where are we going?” asked Rose.
“To destroy the Cyberdome.” he said as he leapt over to the console pressing buttons and levers.
The TARDIS dematerialised from outside the dome to inside the dome. Misty gave Rose a very impassive look.
“Does he always do this?” asked Misty.
Rose thought for a second, “Only when he gets nostalgia.”
“I wouldn’t know cats don’t get nostalgia.” said Misty, shrugging it off as nothing.
The Doctor whispered something under his breath. Rose couldn’t make it out but Misty could and she then asked Rose: “Who’s Adric?”
Rose’s eyebrows shot up, she ran through the doors towards the library, Misty followed. When they arrived in the library, Rose leapt onto a book with the title: ‘1000 year diary’. She flicked to an event in his fifth incarnation.
She read it out loud to Misty, “It says here that: Adric was a great friend and he got killed by Cybermen.”
Misty gave her a stern look, “He’s on a personal vendetta against those Cybermen! What star sign is he? Bet it’s Taurus…they’re hot-headed.”
“What does it matter?! This is probably a trap! Marvin knows that when the Doctor’s angry, he’s angry. So he must have planned all this from the start!” said Rose who then ran out of the library and ran up to the console room.
Misty hissed to herself to no one in particular, “Probably?!”

Rose rugby tackled the Doctor as he started walking out TARDIS doors. He fell to the floor, obtaining a severe cut to his head as he hit the floor. Rose stood up, the Doctor turned to face Rose. He got up and walked out the TARDIS door without saying a word. Rose followed him out.
Marvin stood there with the Cyberleader to his right and a group of Cybermen to his left, “Hello Doctor, Rose. We do seem to keep bumping in to each other don’t we?”
The Doctor frowned at him, “Your sarcasm is acid in milk.”
“So is yours Doctor.” said Marvin, “You know what happens next don’t you Doctor?”
“Lets just pretend I don’t.” said the Doctor, blood trickled down his face.
Marvin clicked his fingers, one of the Cybermen grabbed Rose and clutched her neck. In fact the Cyberman did it so fast that the Doctor had no time to react. The Doctor’s face showed nostalgia, defiance and what seemed like fear.
Marvin laughed manically, “Scared Doctor? That’s not like you, scared Rose will die? It was your fault Adric died and it will be yours when Rose dies.”
The Doctor looked as scared for Rose’s safety as he did when he faced the lone Dalek, “It wasn’t my fault.”
“It was Doctor.” said Marvin.
Rose realised what he was doing, “NO! Doctor, can’t you see what he’s doing?”
The Doctor looked at her, his eyes widened as he realised, “It won’t work.”
“Won’t it Doctor? Your life for hers. Choose.” said Marvin
The Cyberman’s grip on Rose’s neck tightened. The Doctor glared at Marvin disdainfully. Marvin suppressed laughs. Rose began choking, the Doctor began sweating slightly. The grip tightened still. The Doctor cracked.
“Fine.” he said looking away from Rose’s eyes.
Marvin laughed evilly, “Let her go now.”
The Cyberleader shouted, “No! Kill her!”
The Cyberman obeyed the Cyberleader. Rose began choking again. The Doctor stared at Marvin.
Marvin turned to the Cyberleader, “No improvising you dumb board of useless wires!”
The Cyberleader spoke, “You insult me! Why should I listen to you?!”
Marvin pressed a button on his upper right arm and he teleported away from the scene. The Doctor ran over to the Cyberman holding Rose, he pulled the Cyberman off Rose with un-human strength. Then beat the Cyberman to the floor.
“Get into the TARDIS!!” he shouted as the Cyberman pulled him to the floor
He gained another wound to his head. The Cyberman stood up, and held a gun poised to kill.
The Doctor closed his eyes, “This can’t be the end.”
The Cyberman flew into the wall, a black cat walked up to the Doctor.
“Who said black cats were bad luck?” said Misty.
The Doctor smiled. He got to his feet then ran, holding Misty, into the TARDIS. The Cyberleader swore very loudly as the TARDIS dematerialised.

“OUCH!” screamed the Doctor.
“You’re bleeding, you told me to bandage you!” said Rose, “Besides I haven’t had medical training and heads are very hard to bandage!”
“No they’re not!” argued the Doctor.
Rose put the last bandage on his head. He had two cuts: one on the forehead (from where Rose had tackled him) and one from the back of the head (from the Cyberman). So Rose had to bandage him twice, one on the front and one on the back.
“If I were human, I would have died from loss of blood by now. Luckily, Time Lords have more advanced blood platelets.” said the Doctor sounding very proud of himself.
“Show off.” whispered Rose, “Where’s Misty?”
“I sent her home.” said the Doctor.
“Where to next then?” asked Rose.
The Doctor shrugged.

Marvin sat in his fortress, “Oh, well as the Master said: Tomorrows another day.”

Chapter Five of Marvin Turns To The Dark Side coming soon!

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