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press Del or Ctrl-Esc or SysReq or something else to configure CMOS(1) parameters.

For most people: do not alter any of these parameters as they control your system on low level and disabling your keyboard definitely is probably not a good idea.
For some dye hards: Blue ? (start again refrasing)
For some dy hards: you can try but always first backup anything you would or could use later from all parts and places of your system. (this one works better by not being there ?) Some configuration tools have default configuration settings, if all else fails regaining control over your system again, these can be an option.

The BIOS Basic Input Output System of your computer is just a collection of small programs to control the hardware of your system. This (should) be done to make the hardware appear in all systems on the same way to programs written for a specific machine (processor familly) type.
Some manufacturers do the opposite, they lock out any other hardware form your system by using propriarity drivers. In this way you should buy their hardware to be able to make any use of it.

The Bios can be upgraded using a dedicated software tool or repacing a ROM(2). Most modern machines use flash EEPROM(3) this is memory you can rewrite a finite number of times using those dedicated tools. Whenever you "flash" your system first make sure you payed the electricity bill as stopping half way the process of flashing is fatal for most systems.
Starting from the year 2000 some manufacturers build in an option to flash your BIOS at system boot from a floppy using a certain key combination. Do not expect your system to do so until absolutely sure!! Booting from floppy is the best way to infect your system with viruses.

The CMOS configuration utility you can see remarked at system boot up is to configure the Bios drivers to use or ignore hardware if present in your system. A way of rendering your system useless is confiuring hardware not present in your system. The Bios will try to detect, configure and use these hardware, leaving (if) your hardware configured and connected or reporting either defective or not present.

Always use the right Bios-file if you try to upgrade. Your motherboard is the key factor in searching for the correct one. Never down grade if you are not absolutely sure of all the consequences. Some motherboard manufacturers use clear ways to identify a board and accompanying Bios-files. Some have a few brands of Bios-files avaiable. These merely differ in presentation style as the underlying drivers have to confirm in narrow parameters to match the hardware.

There is no way to state what Bios-file to be used for any system except for what the original manufacturer states (that is not what the sticker sticking guys say after they bought the system by an unrevealed manufacturer).

There are programs to fiddle with some brands of saved Bios-files. Use these with even more care then flashing anyway. Some let you alter the layout of the CMOS configuration, select defaults, hide or unhide features, all as dangerous for the curious user. Other tools let you add or remove program parts from the Bios. Nice to see your own scanned face to greet you instead of EPA(4) and pre POST messages.

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