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What is life?

What is a living organism?

What is it that makes a chemical mixture of specific components differ from what is left after it died? Perhaps it is the struggle to survive under cicumstances where crystals just break down without resistance. Crystals are the ancesters of living creatures. Some viruses can be crystallised as well, remaining the question if such virus is alife anyway.

A crystallised virus can survive centuries, is it alife during crystalisation? Frogs in hybernation can be frozen until all body processes stop, is the frog alife while frozen? And how about plants and trees is a seed alife before it starts to grow?
My guess is we should just rename these to suspended life.

Any living creature has to procreate in a way. Some can do it by theirselfs while other more complex forms need company. There are other strange phenomenon created to increase doubt wheter a creature is alife or not.

What can we expect of life?
To survive. All life forms will adapt or evolve to adapted creatures eventually. This does not take into account individuals, or even species, it merely suggests a form of species will survive.

Will the human species survive themself? Good chances are the majority of mankind realizes a minority is having a good time abusing the environment in such way there will not be a next generation.

Why is there life on earth? There were good cicumstances, as on some other planets circling this star. The main cicumstance for life forms is a flow of energy, a chance to help entropy on the way down to an even distribution of energy. The way entropy works anyway is nearly a life form by itself, be it that it is just a discription of physical and chemical behavior.

Is it possible to create a life form inside a computer? Yes, no problem, just do not expect it to be or become sentient.

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