Alternative power sources

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Alternative power sources

Photosynthetic cells
Like plants the cathalytic compound use air and water to produce hydrocarbons. The light falling on the dark green transparant tubes is used to create bigger molecules of hydrocarbons. Unfortunately the produced sugars are far from being used for cars directly.

Photoelectric cells
When light falls on a semiconductor this will influence the electric behavior. At some angles the light will prohibit the electrons to jump the bridge in the direction of the externally applyed potential. From other angles it will produce a potential. By manufaturing the photoelectric cells the angle is kept wide. The number of cells in series create the voltage and the light energy used to play soccer with the electrons is the current. Do not switch unequally lit panels in parralel as the current will try to reverse.

Sun power
Do not forget, even in modern times we still use a lot direct solar power. I the sun stops to shine we will start to freeze in 8 minutes. We can also use the solar power by harvesting the dry laundry ( if you found it in the washed wet state and placed it on the line in the sun ). Make use of the sun have your windows clear on the sunny side in the winter and closed in the summer will show you why. Playing with mirrors and lenses you can easyly start a fire. So please take all your garbage with you if you have been outdoors. There are commercially avaiable solar ovens.

Wind turbines
You know those ancient mills? They are back again nowadays. Huge forests of wind turbines will fill the horizon. Some people complain about them poluting the view, they are wrong, looking from the other side I see the cities. They sould however kept clear of bird flypaths!
Other means of wind turbines are large towers making use of air temperature differences. Even a large sail spanning a george to use the concentrated wind in a turbine at the bottom has functioned for a while.

Water turbines
Not only the huge dams make use of water power, even in ancient times man was using water power to drive their boats when loaded with heavy piramid stones. In medeival ages the water mill was in use for various skills like graining flour to sawing wood.
Wave energy can be gathered when living near a shore.

Horse power
Horse and other drive animal power is still in wide use today. Most animals are used while the roads are none or too bad for cars.
Or alternative animal power I have a plan for the Roborovski hamsters. Their treadmill can be used to drive a bicycle dynamo to let them generate the current for some LEDs.

Combustion engines
Most combustion engines have a dynamo attached. This is mainly to charge the batteries as they are to drive the starter motor. However, as most cars have more and more electronic devices, the supply of electric current is often much higher then needed.

Anthrealic Cold fusion packs
Last on sale in the andromeda rim market, original a Vogon product, now copyed by some Anths.

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