Small Screen Surfin'

1 Conversation

Small Screen Surfer by Wotchit

With UK TV's (that's country TV and not the 'UK channels' company) flogging programmes of 'top something or other's, I have decided to inflict my opinions on you more predominantly this week with a series of 'top TV somethings' which are in no particular order and have no reasoning as to why...!

5 Great UK Comedies

  1. Red Dwarf (BBC2)
  2. Fawlty Towers (BBC2)
  3. Blackadder (UK Gold)
  4. The Brittas Empire (Granada Plus)
  5. Monty Python's Flying Circus (Paramount Comedy)

5 Comedy Nasties

  1. Bo' Selecta! (Channel4/E4)
  2. Married With Children (Paramount Comedy)
  3. Peter Kay's Phoenix Nights (E4)
  4. The Office (UK Gold)
  5. Heil Honey, I'm Home! (Never released1)

Animated Greats

  1. Futurama (Channel4/Sky One)
  2. South Park (Channel4/Sky One)
  3. Dragonball Z (CNX)
  4. The Simpsons (Sky One/BBC2)

'Kiddies' and/or Retro Feelings

  1. Teenage Mutant Ninja/Hero Turtles (New series in November)
  2. Knightmare (Challenge?)
  3. Spider-Man (Fox Kids)
  4. X-Men Evolution (CNX)
  5. Super Mario Bros

Leave Them to Die!!

  1. Pop Idol (ITV1/2)
  2. Big Brother (Channel4/E4)
  3. Scooby-Doo (BBC1/Boomerang)
  4. When 'x' Attack, or those in similar vain! (numerous)
  5. Channel5 (Channel5)

This has basically been my subtle way to squeeze out of any intellectual critique, but feel free to complain about my thoughts at the bottom of the page...

Keep on Surfin'!

Small Screen Surfin'


21.08.03 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1It was a 'sit-com' about Adolf Hitler and his wife/mistress Eva Brown living next door to a Jewish family. One episode was shown in the US and cancelled immediately (no surprises eh?).

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