Long chase for Long liner

1 Conversation

< A552908#Press >
long line fisher caught in international net

7-8 The 'Southern Supporter', an Australian customs patrol ship spotted the Viarsa fishing in waters near Heard and McDonald islands. This is more than 400Km south west of Australians main land. The Viarsa is carrying the Uruguayan flag. The Uruguayan captain and his crew of Uruguayan, Spanish and Chilean guess they just have to get away to get rid of this

7-8... Viarsas crew overpainted the original name and number of the vessel in an attemt to hide their identity.

7-8... Brittish vessel takes part in the pursuit. This must be the 'Invisible' one of the most up to date featured Royal Navy ships. They are playing anonymously an international version of oceanic space invaders.

14-8 Patagonian toothfish off diner cards! All members of the treaty 'Conservation of Antarctic Marine Living Resources' (CCAMLR) will close their ports to prevent the Viarsa from bringing their catch to the market.

Hunting party passing south of South Africa weather conditions are getting worse.

< A1146755#South > South Africa joins

20-8 How polite can you be? The 'Southern Supporter' chasing the 'Viarsa' gave assistance to the pirates to help them navigate out of the icefloes they had fled into.

21-8 Helicopter carryer on the way. 'SA Agulhas' takes part in hunt for the Viarsa this is an arctic research and supply ship, owned by the South African government. The extra assistance they can offer is a helicopter they carry tied to the deck.

The race against the fuel tanks seems to head for south american continent. Any bumboat traders in the vicinity?

< A1146755#Net > Net closing

23-8 Viarsas crew repainted the original name and number of the vessel. The supplyer of the paint has not jet been found. The paint seems be best used in ice storm conditions.

< A1146755#Uruguay > Uruguayan orders

24-8 Uruguayan government offers cooperation in the incident. The local junkyards are scavanged for usefull vessels to assist the navy in the persuation.

25-8 United States contributes ships to the hunt. Some of the icebergs start moving against the current.

26-8 Falkland governor offers official participation in the yacht for the Viarsa.

27-8 France authorities offered help.

27-8-2003 09:17 local time Australian cusoms officers board the Viarsa.

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