h2g2 Post 16.10.03

4 Conversations

Posted: 16thOctober 2003


Welcome back - all those of you who made it!

Didn't we have a lovely time

The day we changed the system!

First we logged in

And then got locked out

And all for just a moment or two...

Where was I? Oh yes, the introduction of the new SSO method of accessing h2g2 and all BBC sites. It certainly caused a few headaches and gave Jim Lynn and the Management Team late nights but now seems to have settled down. Of course, this being h2g2, panic was kept to an absolute minimum. The ACE's, as usual, performed admirably and could even joke about all the doppelganger accounts that mysteriously appeared. So, welcome back - whoever you are.

Did you uncover the theme last week? It was featured in the Cat-egories cartoon and quite a few of our regular columnists manage to include 'forebears' - or an interpretation of it - within their offerings. This week we challenged them with two words/themes, both of which are relevant to events happening this week. If you think you know the answer(s) then please do let us know.

We are running out of poetry! If you enjoy writing poems, prose or Vogon poetry then do get in touch and we'll consider featuring it in future editions.

This edition is a little smaller than usual - probably due to the log-in troubles mentioned above - but we still have plenty to stimulate the mind and tickle the imagination. Of special interest is the start of a new Sports Column by Red Kite and a report and competition based on the recent Dutch Meet.


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