Why? entry number 42

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Why is it always sunny and bright when you must do something like w**k? While on your day off the clouds cover the sky?

Why is it people inside a building think it has been raining all day? While people being outside think it was not too bad?

Why is it we always long to the sun when it rains? While looking for the sun on cloudy days?

Why is it always the last time you try to find something you will find it? Why is it we do not stop after saying just search it one more time?

Why is it children always find the dirt to play in? Or does this mean they materialise the dirt?

Why is it your computer always crashes when you just finished the important work, your boss ordered for weeks ago, just before publishing it? And the systems always function when you play tetris and the boss comes in?

Why is it? <tit>?

42. True.

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