Murder on the Dance Floor

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And now, the end is near...

Costume Drama

Last week's rehearsals were concentrated on costume and make up. For 'Steam Heat', the outfit is a baggy black suit with a black trilby, accentuated with a cerise pink T shirt. (Think Chicago twenties gangsters, only camp.) A pink strip cut from an extra T shirt was to be glued around the crown of the hat - cue much Blue Peter style glue-related hilarity. We were also trying out our falsies 1 and had to be veeeery careful not to get the glue for the hats mixed up with the glue for the lashes.

I was unhappy with the tightness of my jacket, so when they asked for volunteers to wear no jacket, I thrust my hand up in the air and waved it around rather boisterously. I think I may even have shouted, 'Sir! Sir! Me Sir!' Then some bright spark decided that the
T shirts looked better tucked in, so there was no hiding my tum under a baggy top. I couldn't really un-volunteer my non-jacket-wearing status, could I? So if anybody has any tips on obtaining a flat stomach in 3 days, do let me know.

For 'Broadway Baby', we decided on alternating the T shirts between pink and our hot-off-the-presses2 navy blue 'Stepping Out' ones. No real tap steps in this number, so tap shoes are optional if a pair of plain black shoes or boots are worn instead. And a good thing too - dancing with tap shoes on a slippery floor usually all ends in tears. Trust me.

Again - T shirts to be worn tucked in (but at least I was able to wear a different pair of black trousers which were a bit looser round the middle.) Yup, we're lookin' goooood, and ready to face the audience...


The event - Britain in Luxembourg exhibition.

The date - 13th September.

The show - Broadway Baby

The performers - 8 (well, 7 - one of the girls missed her bus and we had to do a quick reshuffle of colours of T shirt) of the dancers involved in the forthcoming production of 'Stepping Out' and the even more forthcoming 3 cabaret 'Theatre Night'. We were dancing at the local radio station's stand, which, whilst it was pretty spacious, was right in the entrance foyer and had terrible acoustics. But we managed, without too many obvious mistakes, and the audience seemed to like it. I even gave my daughter a crash course in camcording so she could record this momentous occasion for posterity.

They think it's all over!

And that's one down... all those hours of rehearsal, and planning, and organising, and practising singing in the shower (sorry neighbours!), gone in 3 minutes 19 seconds.

Murder on the Dance Floor


18.09.03 Front Page

Back Issue Page

1That's eyelashes, dear.2Yes I'm sure T shirts come off some sort of presses! Specially ones with writing printed on them.3It's this weekend - 18,19,20 September.

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