Born Again Bikers

2 Conversations

The Born Again Biker is quite distinct from the true Biker and is a sub-species of the group motorcyclist. The Born Again Biker is someone who has quite happily gone through life ignorant of the joys of motorcycling, and then on reaching middle age has suddenly discovered them. This discovery is usually made through the pages of a car magazine, periodically these magazines point out how fast sports bikes are when compared with cars and how much cheaper than cars they are.

So what happens next is that Mr. Born Again goes out and takes a one week training course, resulting in a bike licence. He then goes out and buys a vehicle which is capable of doing 0-60mph in two and a half seconds when the fastest thing he's ever driven before (usually a Golf GTi) took at least three times as long to reach that speed. The Born Again Biker is usually quite incapable of dealing with the gut churning power of a modern sports bike but tries to ride at full throttle everywhere.

The Born Again can easily be recognised by his extremely low mileage, late model sports bike (they tend only to ride on summer sundays). Other distinguishing features are leathers and helmets that match the garish paint schemes on their bikes. And grey hair.

The life expectancy of the Born Again tends to be lower than that of other motorcyclists due to their determination to ride everywhere as fast as possible in a vain attempt to prove how young and virile they are.

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