The Tale of Three Weapons - Chapter Three

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Chapter Three - The Job

'Let's buy supplies while they're cheap,' said Rastlin hurriedly when they got to the village.

'WAIT!' said Josh suddenly. Since Rastlin wasn't expecting that, it kind of startled him.

'What?' said Rastlin again, expecting a bunch of ninjas or flying man-eating money (he always had nightmares that it would be flying man-eating money that killed him) or that the sky was falling or some other very deadly thing.

'Look at that sign,' said Josh. Rastlin sighed, then looked and froze.

'Does that say what I think it says?' asked Rastlin.

'Yep!' said Josh. 'Money for sale!' (This meant 'assassin for hire; will pay heavily' in a secret code for assassins, ninjas, paid swords, etc.)

Rastlin was about to rush in. 'WAIT!' said Josh again.

'What now?' asked Rastlin.

'Well, if we just walk in we'll look like a couple of newbies.'

'So what do we do?' asked Rastlin in an annoyed voice.

'I put up my hood, then we walk in casually,' said Josh.

smiley - mistletoesmiley - crackersmiley - mistletoesmiley - crackersmiley - mistletoe

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