Director Kevin Smith

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Kevin Smith is the director of some popular movies made in the US. Clerks, Mallrats, and Chasing Amy are his current works, Dogma, is an upcoming film. All of the films are interrelated to a degree; they each share at least two characters that are the same amongst all the films, and many of the actors will play bit parts between the films.

Clerks is a film about one day in the life of two friends at their respective jobs. This movie was filmed in black and white, and on a very small budget. *Dante Hicks* works at a convenience store in New Jersey. *Randall*, Dante's best friend, works at a video store. Apparently both shops are owned by the same person. During the day Dante is exposed to inane customers and outright strange people. Randall has no empathy for his customers. "This job would be great if it weren't for the F*****g customers" describes his apathy perfectly. Two background characters are introduced that will be in all of the movies.* Jay*, played by Jason Mewes, is a small time drug dealer. His sidekick *Silent Bob*, played by Kevin Smith, says nothing until the end of the movie.

Mallrats profiles the day that two friends spend at the mall. The two main characters have just been dumpde by thier girlfriends, and go the the mall to blow off some steam. They spend the day attempting to sabotage the production of a "Dating Game" rip-off that the father of one of the estranged girlfriends is producing. Jay and Silent Bob volunteer to assist the heros in this endeavor. Ben Affleck is introduced in this film playing a store manager who is going after one of the ex-gf's. Much of the film revolves around word play between pairs of actors. We see some similar themes from Clerks. The philosophical conversation about pop culture items, Star Wars in Clerks, Comic books in Mallrats. The bathroom humor is very evident in both movies.

Chasing Amy casts Ben Affleck as a comic book author partnered with one of the main actors from Mallrats, penning a hot new comic book. The Two heroes go to a comic book convention and stage a murder to promote a fellow authors' comic. They meet a female comic writer, played by Joey Lauren Adams. The woman turns out to be a lesbian, but Ben Afflecks' character falls in love with her anyway. The story is about the relationship made between a male and a lesbian, the conflict created by their differing lifestyles, and the resentment from the best friend. The poster for the movie says it all, "It's not who you love, it's how." Kevin Smith received high praise for Clerks and was panned for Mallrats. Chasing Amy was a break into the mainstream for Smith.

Dogma, will be Smiths' next film. Due out in November 99, it will make the fourth movie in what has been called "The New Jersey" series. This film has been lambasted by Roman Catholics because it takes a humorous view of the Roman Catholic Church. When it is released, I will have more info on it.

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