Kurt Vonnegut

2 Conversations

Quite possibly one of the greatest authors of all time, with the exception of a few very obvious choices :-). Seriosly though, Kurt has put out some of the most astonishing novels I have ever read. With the time shifting Billy in Slaughter House Five, one of Adams favorites, walking in a door in 1958 and exiting through a completely different door in 1979, and ending up in a zoo on Tralfalmadore being forced to...ahem...mate with a very attractive actress. Vonneguts best books include his alter ego Kilgore Trout, an unemployed science fiction author who writes tasteless short stories.

My favorite of these short stories comes from Breakfast of Champions wherein this creature from the planet Zog comes down to earth with a mountain of very useful information but could not speak any of the native languages, it communicated by farting and tapdancing. On the day the creature landed on earth it saw a house on fire, so he ran into the house farting and tapdancing, as to warn the residents, and directly was debrained by the owner of the house with a golf club.

A bit odd, I know, but very funny.

With twenty someodd books in print, I feel that I cannot give justice to the humor and insanity that Vonnegut writes for the world. But i can say that anyone who is intrested in Douglas Adams, as obviosly many of you are, would absolutely eat up a good Vonnegut novel.

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