Wonko Inc,'s® Universal Bug Spray™

1 Conversation

A nasty bug

Are you bothered by pesky bugs for every single waking second of your bloody bug-ridden life???1
Then maybe Wonko Inc.'s® Universal Bug Spray™ is right for YOU!!!
Guaranteed to work perfectly!!!!!
(That is, at what it's meant to do...)

Disclaimer: This product is not guaranteed to do anything whatsoever, in fact, it's more likely to transform the bugs into giant mutant monsters, give the user huge welts, melt the walls of your house, and many other bizarre things. Also, for the record, we're not referring to computer bugs. You, by purchasing this product, agree not to press charges for anything that could possibly happen from the result of its use, or even as a result of it being in your possession.

The cost is only smiley - !raised to the 67th...

Another nasty bug

Order Now:

This is a bogus order form.

(Haha fooled you)

Yet another nasty bug

Order Now

How many times has THIS happened to YOU???
I want my bug spray!

Batteries included, but rendered useless by being cut in half.
1We know you are... *waves hand* you want this product... badly...

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