Lobby of the Evil Armory of the Evil Army of H2G2

7 Conversations

Filled to the brim with effectivly satirical devices garreenteed to last
at least as long as the owner does and obey the laws of physics (and continuity)...most (but not all) of
the time...


Weapons of the Evil Army. Mostly taken from the Cow House when Supermoo joined the Evil Army, the armory also has weapons that are unique to the Evil Army. Mostly the weapons humiliate an enemy rather then injure or kill. Covering people in sticky nasty substances is also a common feature to the weapons.


Vehicles. When the Evil Army is involved you can be sure to witness vehicles that utterly defy good sense. Flying septic tanks, boats with guns controlled by monkeys, and vehicles whose name as an acronym makes sense but when you spell out what it stands for, it utterly (or udderly if Supermoo is involved) transcends the boundaries of making sense. These are the vehicles of the Evil Army.

Instant Soldiers:

Instant Soldiers are found in gumball vending machine like contraptions (like the ones the Martians come out of on Looney Tunes). Turn the dial, get some flakes, add some water and POOF instant soldiers. Only two flavors so far.


Various gadgets of the Evil Army. For the most part they aren't too useful in day to day invading. See the number analyzers to see what I mean.


Armor that the soldiers, and even leaders sometimes, wear to protect themselves from attack. The armors are highly specialized against certain types of attack.

Back-engineered Technology:

Technology that the Evil Army came across in an invasion, back engineered and put in the armory. While, these acronyms aren't up to the perfection of the Evil Army's they are still considerable weapons.

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