Ping Pong

4 Conversations

Also referred to as table tennis, ping pong could fall under the classification of a sport or hobby. This is a unique activity in that there is no way to predict a person's ping pong skills; whether or not a person is good at ping pong is a completely random entity. What also makes ping pong so mystifying is the fact that, unlike most sports, there is nothing particularly impressive about being good at ping pong.

The rules of ping pong are quite simple, unless one of the people playing actually knows what the 'official' rules are*. In general, ping pong consists of two players with ping pong paddles hitting a ping pong ball across a net onto a designated half of the table. Points are received when:

  • The ball hits the opposite person's side twice.

  • Or hits the opposite person's side and bounces away without ever being returned to the original person's own side.

  • Or the opposite person stupidly hits the ball and completely misses the other side.

The first person to get 21 points is the winner.

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