The Art of Diabolo

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The Diabolo is a juggling art. It involves the throwing and manipulation of a diabolo (try to imagine a really big yoyo that isn't tied to the string) with two sticks with a bit of string tied between them. There are almost inumerable tricks that you can do, and all of them can be done in different combinations. It is incredible amounts of fun and equally satisfying when you learn a new trick and when you get good it looks really cool.

A Diabolo is...

The diabolo isn't called a diabolo because of various conections with the devil, that change everytime I hear them but because the word comes from the ancient greek dia, which means across and bole which means throw. It first came from China and was brought to Europe by explorers. It has enjoyed great success in France and all over the world. It looks like two bowls facing outwards with an axel between them. They come in many different sizes and shapes. There are small ones for the kids but performers tend to use bigger ones about 13cm in diameter. Partly because the larger ones gain more momentum and then spin longer allowing you to do more tricks and partly because you can see them better and they tend to look a bit more impressive. Different companies make different shaped ones. There are ones that have ratchets in the axel so that they spin longer. There are ones that you can light on fire that look rather impressive. I have also just discovered a LED circuit board that you can put inside a cup that will light the diabolo for night performances.

What you need to get started

you will need:

  1. A diabolo of some sort
  2. a pair of sticks that has string tied between the ends*
  3. Alot of space to learn*
  4. possibly some sort of book or instructions*

Getting Started

First off you want to get the length of your string right. If one of the sticks is resting on the ground then the other stick should be about sholder level, or if you like the string a bit longer then eye level. Then get in your wide open space and roll the diabolo a bit across the ground, away from your dominant hand, to get it spinning and then pick it up off the ground and beginning tugging the string with your dominant hand, this will keep the diabolo spinning.

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